If you wish to build a customized XenLinux kernel (e.g. to support
additional devices or enable distribution-required features), you can
use the standard Linux configuration mechanisms, specifying that the
architecture being built for is xen, e.g:
# cd linux-2.6.12-xen0
# make ARCH=xen xconfig
# cd ..
# make
You can also copy an existing Linux configuration (.config) into
e.g. linux-2.6.12-xen0 and execute:
# make ARCH=xen oldconfig
You may be prompted with some Xen-specific options. We advise accepting
the defaults for these options.
Note that the only difference between the two types of Linux kernels
that are built is the configuration file used for each. The ``U''
suffixed (unprivileged) versions don't contain any of the physical
hardware device drivers, leading to a 30% reduction in size; hence you
may prefer these for your non-privileged domains. The ``0'' suffixed
privileged versions can be used to boot the system, as well as in driver
domains and unprivileged domains.