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 Watch Expressions

If you want to see how a variable changes each time your program stops then place the cursor over the variable name and click on the watch icon in the tool bar (gud-watch).

Each watch expression is displayed in the speedbar. Complex data types, such as arrays, structures and unions are represented in a tree format. Leaves and simple data types show the name of the expression and its value, and display the type as a tooltip. Higher levels show the name, type and address value for pointers and just the name and type otherwise.

To expand or contract a complex data type, click Mouse-2 on the tag to the left of the expression.

With the cursor over the root expression of a complex data type, type D to delete it from the speedbar (gdb-var-delete).

With the cursor over a simple data type or an element of a complex data type which holds a value, type <RET> or click Mouse-2 to edit its value. A prompt for a new value appears in the mini-buffer (gdb-edit-value).

If you set the variable gdb-show-changed-values to non-nil (the default value), Emacs will use font-lock-warning-face to display values that have recently changed in the speedbar.

If you set the variable gdb-use-colon-colon-notation to a non-nil value then, in C, Emacs will use the function::variable format to display variables in the speedbar. Since this does not work for variables defined in compound statements, the default value is nil.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire