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Previous: Formatted Text, Up: Text

30.13 Editing Text-based Tables

Table Mode provides an easy and intuitive way to create and edit WYSIWYG text-based tables. Here is an example of such a table:

     |     Command     |          Description           |   Key Binding   |
     |  forward-char   |Move point right N characters   |       C-f       |
     |                 |(left if N is negative).        |                 |
     |                 |                                |                 |
     |                 |On reaching end of buffer, stop |                 |
     |                 |and signal error.               |                 |
     |  backward-char  |Move point left N characters    |       C-b       |
     |                 |(right if N is negative).       |                 |
     |                 |                                |                 |
     |                 |On attempt to pass beginning or |                 |
     |                 |end of buffer, stop and signal  |                 |
     |                 |error.                          |                 |

Table Mode allows the contents of the table such as this one to be easily manipulated by inserting or deleting characters inside a cell. A cell is effectively a localized rectangular edit region and edits to a cell do not affect the contents of the surrounding cells. If the contents do not fit into a cell, then the cell is automatically expanded in the vertical and/or horizontal directions and the rest of the table is restructured and reformatted in accordance with the growth of the cell.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire