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Next: , Previous: Resources, Up: X Resources

D.2 Table of X Resources for Emacs

This table lists the resource names that designate options for Emacs, not counting those for the appearance of the menu bar, each with the class that it belongs to:

background (class Background)
Background color name.
bitmapIcon (class BitmapIcon)
Use a bitmap icon (a picture of a gnu) if ‘on’, let the window manager choose an icon if ‘off’.
borderColor (class BorderColor)
Color name for the external border.
borderWidth (class BorderWidth)
Width in pixels of the external border.
cursorColor (class Foreground)
Color name for text cursor (point).
cursorBlink (class CursorBlink)
Specifies whether to make the cursor blink. The default is ‘on’. Use ‘off’ or ‘false’ to turn cursor blinking off.
font (class Font)
Font name for text (or fontset name, see Fontsets).
foreground (class Foreground)
Color name for text.
geometry (class Geometry)
Window size and position. Be careful not to specify this resource as ‘emacs*geometry’, because that may affect individual menus as well as the Emacs frame itself.

If this resource specifies a position, that position applies only to the initial Emacs frame (or, in the case of a resource for a specific frame name, only that frame). However, the size, if specified here, applies to all frames.

fullscreen (class Fullscreen)
The desired fullscreen size. The value can be one of fullboth, fullwidth or fullheight, which correspond to the command-line options ‘-fs’, ‘-fw’, and ‘-fh’ (see Window Size X).

Note that this applies to all frames created, not just the initial one.

iconName (class Title)
Name to display in the icon.
internalBorder (class BorderWidth)
Width in pixels of the internal border.
lineSpacing (class LineSpacing)
Additional space (leading) between lines, in pixels.
menuBar (class MenuBar)
Give frames menu bars if ‘on’; don't have menu bars if ‘off’. See Lucid Resources, and LessTif Resources, for how to control the appearance of the menu bar if you have one.
minibuffer (class Minibuffer)
If ‘none’, don't make a minibuffer in this frame. It will use a separate minibuffer frame instead.
paneFont (class Font)
Font name for menu pane titles, in non-toolkit versions of Emacs.
pointerColor (class Foreground)
Color of the mouse cursor.
privateColormap (class PrivateColormap)
If ‘on’, use a private color map, in the case where the “default visual” of class PseudoColor and Emacs is using it.
reverseVideo (class ReverseVideo)
Switch foreground and background default colors if ‘on’, use colors as specified if ‘off’.
screenGamma (class ScreenGamma)
Gamma correction for colors, equivalent to the frame parameter screen-gamma.
selectionFont (class SelectionFont)
Font name for pop-up menu items, in non-toolkit versions of Emacs. (For toolkit versions, see Lucid Resources, also see LessTif Resources.)
selectionTimeout (class SelectionTimeout)
Number of milliseconds to wait for a selection reply. If the selection owner doesn't reply in this time, we give up. A value of 0 means wait as long as necessary.
synchronous (class Synchronous)
Run Emacs in synchronous mode if ‘on’. Synchronous mode is useful for debugging X problems.
title (class Title)
Name to display in the title bar of the initial Emacs frame.
toolBar (class ToolBar)
Number of lines to reserve for the tool bar. A zero value suppresses the tool bar. If the value is non-zero and auto-resize-tool-bars is non-nil, the tool bar's size will be changed automatically so that all tool bar items are visible.
useXIM (class UseXIM)
Turn off use of X input methods (XIM) if ‘false’ or ‘off’. This is only relevant if your Emacs is actually built with XIM support. It is potentially useful to turn off XIM for efficiency, especially slow X client/server links.
verticalScrollBars (class ScrollBars)
Give frames scroll bars if ‘on’; don't have scroll bars if ‘off’.
visualClass (class VisualClass)
Specify the “visual” that X should use. This tells X how to handle colors.

The value should start with one of ‘TrueColor’, ‘PseudoColor’, ‘DirectColor’, ‘StaticColor’, ‘GrayScale’, and ‘StaticGray’, followed by ‘-depth’, where depth is the number of color planes. Most terminals only allow a few “visuals,” and the ‘dpyinfo’ program outputs information saying which ones.

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