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41 Running Shell Commands from Emacs

Emacs has commands for passing single command lines to inferior shell processes; it can also run a shell interactively with input and output to an Emacs buffer named ‘*shell*’ or run a shell inside a terminal emulator window.

There is a shell implemented entirely in Emacs, documented in a separate manual. See Eshell.

M-! cmd <RET>
Run the shell command line cmd and display the output (shell-command).
M-| cmd <RET>
Run the shell command line cmd with region contents as input; optionally replace the region with the output (shell-command-on-region).
M-x shell
Run a subshell with input and output through an Emacs buffer. You can then give commands interactively.
M-x term
Run a subshell with input and output through an Emacs buffer. You can then give commands interactively. Full terminal emulation is available.
M-x eshell
Start the Emacs shell.

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