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Next: , Previous: Named ASCII Chars, Up: Key Bindings

57.4.9 Non-ASCII Characters on the Keyboard

If your keyboard has keys that send non-ASCII characters, such as accented letters, rebinding these keys must be done by using a vector like this1:

     (global-set-key [?char] 'some-function)

Type C-q followed by the key you want to bind, to insert char.

Since this puts a non-ASCII character in the .emacs, you should specify a coding system for that file that supports the character in question. See Init Syntax.

Warning: if you change the keyboard encoding, or change between multibyte and unibyte mode, or anything that would alter which code C-q would insert for that character, you'll need to edit the Lisp expression accordingly, to use the character code generated by C-q in the new mode.


[1] Note that you should avoid the string syntax for binding non-ASCII characters, since they will be interpreted as meta keys. See Strings of Events.

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