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Next: , Previous: Menu Mouse Clicks, Up: Frames

26.6 Mode Line Mouse Commands

You can use mouse clicks on window mode lines to select and manipulate windows.

Some areas of the mode line, such as the buffer name and the major mode name, have their own special mouse bindings. These areas are highlighted when you hold the mouse over them, and information about the special bindings will be displayed (see Tooltips).

You can also click on areas of the mode line that do not have special mouse bindings of their own. This has the following effects:

Mouse-1 on a mode line selects the window it belongs to. By dragging Mouse-1 on the mode line, you can move it, thus changing the height of the windows above and below.
Mouse-2 on a mode line expands that window to fill its frame.
Mouse-3 on a mode line deletes the window it belongs to. If the frame has only one window, it buries the current buffer instead, and switches to another buffer.
C-Mouse-2 on a mode line splits the window above horizontally, above the place in the mode line where you click.

C-Mouse-2 on a scroll bar splits the corresponding window vertically. See Split Window.

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