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Previous: Mac Font Specs, Up: Mac OS

F.6 Mac-Specific Lisp Functions

The function do-applescript takes a string argument, executes it as an AppleScript command, and returns the result as a string.

The function mac-file-name-to-posix takes a Mac file name and returns the GNU or Unix equivalent. The function posix-file-name-to-mac performs the opposite conversion. They are useful for constructing AppleScript commands to be passed to do-applescript.

The functions mac-set-file-creator, mac-get-file-creator, mac-set-file-type, and mac-get-file-type can be used to set and get creator and file codes.

The function mac-get-preference returns the preferences value converted to a Lisp object for a specified key and application.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire