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Next: , Previous: Language Help, Up: Help

11.7 Help Mode Commands

Help buffers provide the same commands as View mode (see Misc File Ops), plus a few special commands of their own.

Scroll forward.
Scroll backward. On some keyboards, this key is known as <BS> or <backspace>.
Follow a cross reference at point.
Move point forward to the next cross reference.
Move point back to the previous cross reference.
Follow a cross reference that you click on.

When a function name (see Running Commands by Name) or variable name (see Variables) appears in the documentation, it normally appears inside paired single-quotes. You can click on the name with Mouse-1 or Mouse-2, or move point there and type <RET>, to view the documentation of that command or variable. Use C-c C-b to retrace your steps.

You can follow cross references to URLs (web pages) as well. When you follow a cross reference that is a URL, the browse-url command is used to view the web page in a browser of your choosing. See Browse-URL.

There are convenient commands for moving point to cross references in the help text. <TAB> (help-next-ref) moves point down to the next cross reference. Use S-<TAB> to move point up to the previous cross reference (help-previous-ref).

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