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57 Customization

This chapter talks about various topics relevant to adapting the behavior of Emacs in minor ways. See Emacs Lisp, for how to make more far-reaching changes. See X Resources, for information on using X resources to customize Emacs.

Customization that you do within Emacs normally affects only the particular Emacs session that you do it in—it does not persist between sessions unless you save the customization in a file such as .emacs or .Xdefaults that will affect future sessions. See Init File. In the customization buffer, when you save customizations for future sessions, this actually works by editing .emacs for you.

Another means of customization is the keyboard macro, which is a sequence of keystrokes to be replayed with a single command. See Keyboard Macros, for full instruction how to record, manage, and replay sequences of keys.

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