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Node:sdiff Option Summary, Next:, Up:Interactive Merging

Specifying diff Options to sdiff

The following sdiff options have the same meaning as for diff. See diff Options, for the use of these options.

-a -b -d -i -t -v
-B -E -I regexp

--ignore-blank-lines  --ignore-case
--ignore-matching-lines=regexp  --ignore-space-change
--left-column  --minimal  --speed-large-files
--strip-trailing-cr  --suppress-common-lines  --expand-tabs
--text  --version  --width=columns

For historical reasons, sdiff has alternate names for some options. The -l option is equivalent to the --left-column option, and similarly -s is equivalent to --suppress-common-lines. The meaning of the sdiff -w and -W options is interchanged from that of diff: with sdiff, -w columns is equivalent to --width=columns, and -W is equivalent to --ignore-all-space. sdiff without the -o option is equivalent to diff with the -y or --side-by-side option (see Side by Side).

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