This version of Tripwire has significant product enhancements over previous versions of Tripwire. Some of the enhancements include:
Multiple levels of reporting allow you to choose different levels of report detail.
Syslog option sends information about database initialization, database update, policy update and integrity check to the syslog.
Database performance has been optimized to increase the efficiency of integrity checks.
Individual email recipients can be sent certain sections of a report.
SMTP email reporting support.
Email test mode enables you to verify that the email settings are correct.
Ability to create multiple sections within a policy file to be executed separately.
These installation instructions assume:
Commands are Unix-compatible.
The source path is /var/tmp -other paths are possible.
Installations were tested on Red Hat Linux 6.1 and 6.2.
All steps in the installation will happen in super-user account root.
Tripwire version number is 2.2.1
These are the Package(s) you need to install:
To Compile Tripwire-2.2.1, you do need to Decompress the tarball tar.gz.:
[root@deep] /#cp Tripwire_version_for_Linux_x86_tar.gz /var/tmp
[root@deep] /#cd /var/tmp
[root@deep ]/tmp# tar xzpf Tripwire_version_for_Linux_x86_tar.gz
After the decompression of Tripwire you will see the following files in your /var/tmp directory related to Tripwire software:
package directory
Tripwire tar.gz file Tripwire_version_for_Linux_x86_tar.gz.