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Linux Printing HOWTO
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3.1. With BSD LPD and the lpr command

3.1. With BSD LPD and the lpr command

If you've already got lpd setup to print to your printer, or your system administrator already did so, or your vendor did so for you, then all you need to do is learn how to use the lpr command. The Printing Usage HOWTO covers this, and a few other queue manipulation commands you should probably know. Or just read the lpr(1) man page.

In a nutshell, you specify the queue name with -P, and specify a filename to print a file, or nothing to print from stdin. Driver options are traditionally not controllable from lpr, but various systems accept certain options with -o, -Z, or -J.

Example 1. lpr

lpr /etc/hosts
lpr -J "my hosts file" /etc/hosts
lpr -P mylaserjet /etc/services
Linux Printing HOWTO
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