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Linux Printing HOWTO
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13.1. Using a faxmodem

13.1. Using a faxmodem

There are a number of fax programs out there that will let you fax and receive documents. One of the most powerful is Sam Leffler's HylaFAX . It supports all sorts of things from multiple modems to broadcasting.

SuSE ships a Java HylaFax client which allegedly works on any Java platform (including Windows and GNU/Linux). There are also non-Java fax clients for most platforms; GNU/Linux can almost certainly handle your network faxing needs.

Also available, and a better choice for smaller installations, is efax , a simple program which sends and receives faxes. The getty program mgetty can receive faxes using efax (and do voicemail or interactive logins).

Linux Printing HOWTO
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