Change the keyboard map. The key from_key is mapped to the key
to_key. If no argument is specified, reset key mappings. Note that
this command does not exchange the keys. If you want to exchange
the keys, run this command again with the arguments exchanged, like this:
grub> setkey capslock control
grub> setkey control capslock
A key must be an alphabet letter, a digit, or one of these symbols:
`escape', `exclam', `at', `numbersign',
`dollar', `percent', `caret', `ampersand',
`asterisk', `parenleft', `parenright', `minus',
`underscore', `equal', `plus', `backspace',
`tab', `bracketleft', `braceleft', `bracketright',
`braceright', `enter', `control', `semicolon',
`colon', `quote', `doublequote', `backquote',
`tilde', `shift', `backslash', `bar', `comma',
`less', `period', `greater', `slash',
`question', `alt', `space', `capslock', `FX'
(`X' is a digit), and `delete'. This table describes to which
character each of the symbols corresponds:
- `exclam'
- `!'
- `at'
- `@'
- `numbersign'
- `#'
- `dollar'
- `$'
- `percent'
- `%'
- `caret'
- `^'
- `ampersand'
- `&'
- `asterisk'
- `*'
- `parenleft'
- `('
- `parenright'
- `)'
- `minus'
- `-'
- `underscore'
- `_'
- `equal'
- `='
- `plus'
- `+'
- `bracketleft'
- `['
- `braceleft'
- `{'
- `bracketright'
- `]'
- `braceright'
- `}'
- `semicolon'
- `;'
- `colon'
- `:'
- `quote'
- `''
- `doublequote'
- `"'
- `backquote'
- ``'
- `tilde'
- `~'
- `backslash'
- `\'
- `bar'
- `|'
- `comma'
- `,'
- `less'
- `<'
- `period'
- `.'
- `greater'
- `>'
- `slash'
- `/'
- `question'
- `?'
- `space'
- ` '