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3.2. Initial Setup Tasks

Initial GFS setup consists of the following tasks:

  1. Setting up logical volumes.

  2. Making a GFS files system.

  3. Mounting file systems.

Follow these steps to set up GFS initially.

  1. Using CLVM (Cluster Logical Volume Manager), create a logical volume for each Red Hat GFS file system.


    You can use init.d scripts included with Red Hat Cluster Suite to automate activating and deactivating logical volumes. For more information about init.d scripts, refer to Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster.

  2. Create GFS file systems on logical volumes created in Step 1. Choose a unique name for each file system. For more information about creating a GFS file system, refer to Section 4.1, “Making a File System”.

    Command usage:

    gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t ClusterName:FSName -j NumberJournals BlockDevice

  3. At each node, mount the GFS file systems. For more information about mounting a GFS file system, refer to Section 4.2, “Mounting a File System”.

    Command usage:

    mount -t gfs BlockDevice MountPoint

    mount -t gfs -o acl BlockDevice MountPoint

    The -o aclmount option allows manipulating file ACLs. If a file system is mounted without the -o acl mount option, users are allowed to view ACLs (with getfacl), but are not allowed to set them (with setfacl).


    You can use init.d scripts included with Red Hat Cluster Suite to automate mounting and unmounting GFS file systems. For more information about init.d scripts, refer to Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster.

  Published under the terms of the Open Publication License Design by Interspire