13.9.3 TeX/LaTeX
# tasksel # select Miscellaneous --> TeX/LaTeX environment
References for LaTeX:
The teTeX HOWTO: The
Linux-teTeX Local Guide
The TeXbook, by Donald E. Knuth, (Addison-Wesley) [66]
LaTeX - A Document Preparation System, by Leslie Lamport,
The LaTeX Companion, by Goossens, Mittelbach, Samarin,
This is the most powerful typesetting environment. Many SGML processors use
this as their back end text processor. Lyx provided by lyx
, or lyx-qt
and GNU TeXmacs provided by
package offers nice WYSIWYG editing environment for LaTeX
while many use Emacs and Vim as the choice for the source editor.
There are many online resources available:
When documents become bigger, sometimes TeX may cause errors. You must
increase pool size in /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
(or more appropriately
edit /etc/texmf/texmf.d/95NonPath
and run
) to fix this.