6.4.4 Reconfigure installed packages
Use the following to reconfigure any already-installed package.
# dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium package [...]
# dpkg-reconfigure --all # reconfigure all packages
# dpkg-reconfigure locales # generate any extra locales
# dpkg-reconfigure --p=low xserver-xfree86 # reconfigure X server
Do this for debconf
if you need to change the debconf
dialog mode permanently.
Some programs come with special configuration scripts. [36]
apt-setup - create /etc/apt/sources.list
install-mbr - install a Master Boot Record manager
tzconfig - set the local time zone
gpmconfig - set gpm mouse daemon
sambaconfig - configure Samba in Potato (Woody uses debconf)
eximconfig - configure Exim (MTA)
texconfig - configure teTeX
apacheconfig - configure Apache (httpd)
cvsconfig - configure CVS
sndconfig - configure sound system
update-alternatives - set default command, e.g., vim as vi
update-rc.d - System-V init script management
update-menus - Debian menu system