The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
Chapter 11 - Getting support for Debian GNU/Linux
11.1 What other documentation exists on and for a Debian system?
Documentation developed by the Debian Documentation Project. It is available
https://www.debian.org/doc/ and
includes user guides, administration guides and security guides for the Debian
GNU/Linux operating system.
Documentation on installed Debian packages: Most packages have files that are
unpacked into /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE.
Documentation on the Linux project: The Debian package
installs all of the most recent versions of the HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs from the
Linux Documentation Project .
Unix-style `man' pages: Most commands have manual pages written in the style of
the original Unix 'man' files. They are referenced by the section of the 'man'
directory where they reside: e.g., foo(3) refers to a manual page which resides
in /usr/share/man/man3/, and it can be called by executing the command:
man 3 foo, or just man foo if section 3 is the first
one containing a page on foo.
One can learn which directory of /usr/share/man/ contains a
certain manual page by executing man -w foo.
New Debian users should note that the 'man' pages of many general system
commands are not available until they install these packages:
man-db, which contains the man program itself, and
other programs for manipulating the manual pages.
Note that you may access a lot of documentation on your system by using a WWW
browser, through `dwww', `dhelp' or `doccentral' commands, found in respective