One of the greatest obstacles beginners may face is that INN requires a
working network setup to function properly, even when running on a standalone
host. Therefore, it is essential that your kernel supports TCP/IP networking
when running INN, and that you have set up the loopback interface as
explained in Chapter 5.
Next, you have to make sure that innd is started at
boot time. The default INN installation provides a script file called
boot in the /etc/news/
directory. If your distribution uses the SystemV-style
init package, all you have to do is create a
symbolic link from your /etc/init.d/inn file
pointing to /etc/news/boot. For other flavors of
init, you have to make sure
/etc/news/boot is executed from one of your
rc scripts. Since INN requires networking
support, the startup script should be run after
the network interfaces are configured.