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13.3. The Client Side of NIS

If you are familiar with writing or porting network applications, you may notice that most of the NIS maps listed previously correspond to library functions in the C library. For instance, to obtain passwd information, you generally use the getpwnam and getpwuid functions, which return the account information associated with the given username or numerical user ID, respectively. Under normal circumstances, these functions perform the requested lookup on the standard file, such as /etc/passwd.

An NIS-aware implementation of these functions, however, modifies this behavior and places an RPC call to the NIS server, which looks up the username or user ID. This happens transparently to the application. The function may treat the NIS data as though it has been appended to the original passwd file so both sets of information are available to the application and used, or as though it has completely replaced it so that the information in the local passwd is ignored and only the NIS data is used.

For traditional NIS implementations, there were certain conventions for which maps were replaced and which were appended to the original information. Some, like the passwd maps, required kludgy modifications of the passwd file which, when done incorrectly, would open up security holes. To avoid these pitfalls, NYS and the GNU libc use a general configuration scheme that determines whether a particular set of client functions uses the original files, NIS, or NIS+, and in which order. This scheme will be described later in this chapter.

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