B.1. Where
From Here?
I could easily have squeezed a few more chapters into this book.
I could have added a chapter about creating new file systems, or
about adding new protocol stacks (as if there's a need for that --
you'd have to dig underground to find a protocol stack not
supported by Linux). I could have added explanations of the kernel
mechanisms we haven't touched upon, such as bootstrapping or the
disk interface.
However, I chose not to. My purpose in writing this book was to
provide initiation into the mysteries of kernel module programming
and to teach the common techniques for that purpose. For people
seriously interested in kernel programming, I recommend
Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche's list of kernel resources . Also, as Linus said,
the best way to learn the kernel is to read the source code
If you're interested in more examples of short kernel modules, I
recommend Phrack magazine. Even if you're not interested in
security, and as a programmer you should be, the kernel modules
there are good examples of what you can do inside the kernel, and
they're short enough not to require too much effort to
I hope I have helped you in your quest to become a better
programmer, or at least to have fun through technology. And, if you
do write useful kernel modules, I hope you publish them under the
GPL, so I can use them too.
If you'd like to contribute to this guide, please contact one
the maintainers for details. As you've already seen, there's a
placeholder chapter now, waiting to be filled with examples for