C.2 The cvswrappers file
Wrappers refers to a CVS feature which lets you
control certain settings based on the name of the file
which is being operated on. The settings are `-k'
for binary files, and `-m' for nonmergeable text
The `-m' option
specifies the merge methodology that should be used when
a non-binary file is updated. MERGE
means the usual
CVS behavior: try to merge the files. COPY
means that cvs update
will refuse to merge
files, as it also does for files specified as binary
with `-kb' (but if the file is specified as
binary, there is no need to specify `-m 'COPY'').
CVS will provide the user with the
two versions of the files, and require the user using
mechanisms outside CVS, to insert any necessary
WARNING: do not use COPY
CVS 1.9 or earlier - such versions of CVS will
copy one version of your file over the other, wiping
out the previous contents.
The `-m' wrapper option only affects behavior when
merging is done on update; it does not affect how files
are stored. See Handling binary files, for more on
binary files.
The basic format of the file `cvswrappers' is:
| wildcard [option value][option value]...
where option is one of
-m update methodology value: MERGE or COPY
-k keyword expansion value: expansion mode
and value is a single-quote delimited value.
For example, the following command imports a
directory, treating files whose name ends in
`.exe' as binary:
| cvs import -I ! -W "*.exe -k 'b'" first-dir vendortag reltag