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Back: Testing C++ Implementations with Autoconf
Forward: Libtool C++ support
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Up: How GNU Autotools Can Help
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Top: Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool
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16.4.2 Automake C++ support

Automake provides support for compiling C++ programs. In fact, it makes it practically trivial: files listed in a SOURCES primary may include `.c++', `.cc', `.cpp', `.cxx' or `.C' extensions and Automake will know to use the C++ compiler to build them.

For a project containing C++ source code, it is necessary to invoke the AC_PROG_CXX macro in `' so that Automake knows how to run the most suitable compiler. Fortunately, when little details like this happen to escape you, automake will produce a warning:

$ automake
automake: C++ source seen but CXX not defined in
automake: `'

This document was generated by Gary V. Vaughan on February, 8 2006 using texi2html

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