To Disable Lock Screen and Log Out
To disable the lock screen and log out functions, set the /apps/panel/global/disable_lock_screen key and the /apps/panel/global/disable_log_out key to true.
When you disable
the lock screen and log out functions, the following items are removed from
the panels:
and menu items from the .
menu items from the -> menu. To open this menu, right-click on
a vacant space on a panel, then choose ->.
and menu items from the menu in the Menu Bar applet.
Also, any Lock Screen buttons and Log Out buttons on panels are disabled.
To Disable Command Line Operations
To disable operations from a command line, set the /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_command_line key to true.
When you disable command line operations, the following
changes occur in the user interface:
To disable command line operations, you must also remove menu items
that start terminal applications. For example, you might want to remove menu
items that contain the following commands from the menus:
The items are removed from the following menus:
To disable command line operations, you must also disable the Command Line applet. To disable the Command Line applet, add the applet to the /apps/panel/global/disabled_applets key. When you disable the Command Line
applet, the Command Line applet is removed from
the and the -> menu.
To Disable Panel Configuration
To disable panel configuration, set the /apps/panel/global/locked_down key to true.
When you disable
panel configuration, the following changes occur in the user interface:
The following items are removed from the panel popup menu,
and from the drawer popup menu:
The launcher popup menu is disabled.
The following items are removed from the applet popup menu:
The popup menu is disabled.
The launcher drag feature is disabled, so that users cannot
drag launchers to, or from, panels.
The panel drag feature is disabled, so that users cannot drag
panels to new locations.