Part of the organization's wide range of Open Source
Internet application developments, Mozilla is
a powerful, integrated, and standards-compliant Web browser, email
client, news reader, and more. The Web browsing component displays Web
content such as webpages and images. Mozilla
also uses plug-ins for interactive multimedia
such as streaming video and Web animation. This section shows you
how to use the Mozilla Web browser to explore
the Internet.
6.1.1. Using Mozilla
Mozilla functions like any Web browser
that you may have used before. It has the standard navigational
toolbars, buttons, and menus.
The navigation bar has an address field with which you can type a
Uniform Resource Locator
(URL) — the name or address of a website
— into the address field at the top of the browser
window. Mozilla supports keyword searching
via the address field as well. Type in a keyword or phrase into the
address field and click the Search button. The
search results appears in the main browsing area.
There is also a sidebar on the left that contains additional
options, such as integrated search functionality, bookmarks, and a
What's Related option that displays webpages
similar in topic to the page currently displayed in the main browsing
At the bottom left corner of the browser window, there are the
following small icons: Navigator,
Mail, Composer,
Address Book, and IRC
Chat. These are separate applications integrated into the
Mozilla suite and are useful for
experiencing email, chat, news, and other aspects of the Internet
besides the Web. For information on using the Mozilla
Mail email client, refer to Chapter 7 Email Applications.
Finally, there is the Personal Toolbar, which
you can customize with your own bookmarks or quickly go back to your
homepage. The Personal Toolbar is useful for keeping and categorizing
webpages so that you do not have to type the address every time you
want to access the page. To add a site to your Personal Toolbar, click
and hold the left mouse button on the small icon next to the URL in
the address field and drag it directly to the Personal Toolbar or into
a folder icon. You can access Personal Toolbar folders by clicking the
icon and choosing the website from the drop-down menu.
Mozilla also allows you to browse
multiple websites within one browser window using
navigational tabs. Instead of using two or more
separate windows to read multiple webpages, you can open a tab by
clicking =>
=> or by pressing [Ctrl] and
[T] at the same time. This will open the new tab and
allow you to switch between tabs by clicking on them. To close a tab,
right-click on the tab and choose
from the menu or click the X at the right of the
tab bar to close the tab currently displayed.
For additional information on using
Mozilla, click on Help
(on the top menu panel) and then on .
6.1.2. Mozilla Composer
You can use Mozilla Composer to create
webpages. You do not need to know HTML to use this tool. To open
Composer, go to Window
=> Composer on the
Mozilla main menu, or click on the
Composer icon in the lower left part of the
The Mozilla help files provide information
on creating webpages with Composer.
Go to Help on the main menu and select Help
Contents. When the help screen opens, click on the
Contents tab and expand the Creating
Webpages menu by clicking on the arrow next to it. A list of
topics will appear and clicking on any of these will provide you
with information for creating and editing webpages using
Mozilla Composer.