The Advanced Research and Projects Agency of the United States
Department of Defense. Also known as DARPA (the "D" stands for
"Defense"), it originated in the late 1960s and early 1970s the
proposal and standards for the Internet. For this reason, the
Internet was initially referred to as ARPANet, and connected the
military with the various centers of research around the United
States in a way that was intended to have a high degree of
survivability against a nuclear attack.
The Bourne Again Shell and is based on the Bourne shell, sh, the
original command interpreter.
- Bourne Shell
The Bourne shell is the original Unix shell (command execution
program, often called a command interpreter) that was developed at
AT&T. Named for its developer, Stephen Bourne, the Bourne shell
is also known by its program name, sh. The shell prompt (character
displayed to indicate readiness for input) used is the $ symbol.
The Bourne shell family includes the Bourne, Korn shell, bash, and
zsh shells. Bourne Again Shell (bash) is the free version of the
Bourne shell distributed with Linux systems. Bash is similar to the
original, but has added features such as command line editing. Its
name is sometimes spelled as Bourne Again SHell, the capitalized
Hell referring to the difficulty some people have with it.
A CLI (command line interface) is a user interface to a
computer's operating system or an application in which the user
responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified
line, receives a response back from the system, and then enters
another command, and so forth. The MS-DOS Prompt application in a
Windows operating system is an example of the provision of a
command line interface. Today, most users prefer the graphical user
interface (GUI) offered by Windows, Mac OS, BeOS, and others.
Typically, most of today's Unix-based systems offer both a command
line interface and a graphical user interface.
- core
A core file is created when a program terminates unexpectedly,
due to a bug, or a violation of the operating system's or
hardware's protection mechanisms. The operating system kills the
program and creates a core file that programmers can use to figure
out what went wrong. It contains a detailed description of the
state that the program was in when it died. If would like to
determine what program a core file came from, use the file command,
like this: $ file core That will tell you the name of the program
that produced the core dump. You may want to write the
maintainer(s) of the program, telling them that their program
dumped core. To Enable or Disable Core Dumps you must use the
ulimit command in bash, the limit command in tcsh, or the rlimit
command in ksh. See the appropriate manual page for details. This
setting affects all programs run from the shell (directly or
indirectly), not the whole system. If you wish to enable or disable
core dumping for all processes by default, you can change the
default setting in /usr/include/linux/sched.h. Refer to definition
of INIT_TASK, and look also in /usr/include/linux/resource.h. PAM
support optimizes the system's environment, including the amount of
memory a user is allowed. In some distributions this parameter is
configurable in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. For more
information, refer to the Linux Administrator's Security Guide.
- daemon
A process lurking in the background, usually unnoticed, until
something triggers it into action. For example, the \cmd{update}
daemon wakes up every thirty seconds or so to flush the buffer
cache, and the \cmd{sendmail} daemon awakes whenever someone sends
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the central
research and development organization for the Department of Defense
(DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research
and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and
technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where
success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military
roles and missions.
Dynamic Host Control Protocol, is a protocol like BOOTP
(actually dhcpd includes much of the functionality of BOOTPD). It
assigns IP addresses to clients based on lease times. DHCP is used
extensively by Microsoft and more recently also by Apple. It is
probably essential in any multi-platform environment.
Domain Name System translates Internet domain and host names to
IP addresses. DNS implements a distributed database to store name
and address information for all public hosts on the Net. DNS
assumes IP addresses do not change (i.e., are statically assigned
rather than dynamically assigned). The DNS database resides on a
hierarchy of special-purpose servers. When visiting a Web site or
other device on the Net, a piece of software called the DNS
resolver (usually built into the network operating system) first
contacts a DNS server to determine the server's IP address. If the
DNS server does not contain the needed mapping, it will in turn
forward the request to a DNS server at the next higher level in the
hierarchy. After potentially several forwarding and delegation
messages are sent within the DNS hierarchy, the IP address for the
given host eventually is delivered to the resolver. DNS also
includes support for caching requests and for redundancy. Most
network operating systems allow one to enter the IP addresses of
primary, secondary, and tertiary DNS servers, each of which can
service initial requests from clients. Many ISPs maintain their own
DNS servers and use DHCP to automatically assign the addresses of
these servers to dial-in clients, so most home users need not be
aware of the details behind DNS configuration. Registered domain
names and addresses must be renewed periodically, and should a
dispute occur between two parties over ownership of a given name,
such as in trademarking, ICANN's Uniform Domain-Name
Dispute-Resolution Policy can be invoked. Also known as Domain Name
System, Domain Name Service, Domain Name Server.
- environment variable
A variable that is available to any program that is started by
the shell.
Enlightened Sound Daemon. This program is designed to mix
together several digitized audio streams for playback by a single
- filesystem
The methods and data structures that an operating system uses to
keep track of files on a disk or partition; the way the files are
organized on the disk. Also used to describe a partition or disk
that is used to store the files or the type of the filesystem.
Often the group, which creates the Linux File System Structure
document, or the document itself, is referred to as the 'FSSTND'.
This is short for "file system standard". This document has helped
to standardize the layout of file systems on Linux systems
everywhere. Since the original release of the standard, most
distributors have adopted it in whole or in part, much to the
benefit of all Linux users. It is now often refered to as the FHS
(Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) document though since its
incorporation into the LSB (Linux Standards Base) Project.
Graphical User Interface. The use of pictures rather than just
words to represent the input and output of a program. A program
with a GUI runs under some windowing system (e.g. The X Window
System, Microsoft Windows, Acorn RISC OS, NEXTSTEP). The program
displays certain icons, buttons, dialogue boxes etc. in its windows
on the screen and the user controls it mainly by moving a pointer
on the screen (typically controlled by a mouse) and selecting
certain objects by pressing buttons on the mouse while the pointer
is pointing at them. Though Apple Computer would like to claim they
invented the GUI with their Macintosh operating system, the concept
originated in the early 1970s at Xerox's PARC laboratory.
- hard link
A directory entry, which maps a filename to an inode, number. A
file may have multiple names or hard links. The link count gives
the number of names by which a file is accessible. Hard links do
not allow multiple names for directories and do not allow multiple
names in different filesystems.
- init
'init' process is the first user level process started by the
kernel. init has many important duties, such as starting getty (so
that users can log in), implementing run levels, and taking care of
orphaned processes. This chapter explains how init is configured
and how you can make use of the different run levels. init is one
of those programs that are absolutely essential to the operation of
a Linux system, but that you still can mostly ignore. Usually, you
only need to worry about init if you hook up serial terminals,
dial-in (not dial-out) modems, or if you want to change the default
run level. When the kernel has started (has been loaded into
memory, has started running, and has initialized all device drivers
and data structures and such), it finishes its own part of the boot
process by starting a user level program, init. Thus, init is
always the first process (its process number is always 1). The
kernel looks for init in a few locations that have been
historically used for it, but the proper location for it is
/sbin/init. If the kernel can't find init, it tries to run /bin/sh,
and if that also fails, the startup of the system fails. When init
starts, it completes the boot process by doing a number of
administrative tasks, such as checking filesystems, cleaning up
/tmp, starting various services, and starting a getty for each
terminal and virtual console where users should be able to log in.
After the system is properly up, init restarts getty for each
terminal after a user has logged out (so that the next user can log
in). init also adopts orphan processes: when a process starts a
child process and dies before its child, the child immediately
becomes a child of init. This is important for various technical
reasons, but it is good to know it, since it makes it easier to
understand process lists and process tree graphs. init itself is
not allowed to die. You can't kill init even with SIGKILL. There
are a few variants of init available. Most Linux distributions use
sysvinit (written by Miquel van Smoorenburg), which is based on the
System V init design. The BSD versions of Unix have a different
init. The primary difference is run levels: System V has them, BSD
- inode
An inode is the address of a disk block. When you see the inode
information through ls, ls prints the address of the first block in
the file. You can use this information to tell if two files are
really the same file with different names (links). A file has
several components: a name, contents, and administrative
information such as permissions and modification times. The
administrative information is stored in the inode (over the years,
the hyphen fell out of "i-node"), along with essential system data
such as how long it is, where on the disc the contents of the file
are stored, and so on. There are three times in the inode: the time
that the contents of the file were last modified (written); the
time that the file was last used (read or executed); and the time
that the inode itself was last changed, for example to set the
permissions. Altering the contents of the file does not affect its
usage time and changing the permissions affects only the inode
change time. It is important to understand inodes, not only to
appreciate the options on ls, but because in a strong sense the
inodes are the files. All the directory hierarchy does is provide
convenient names for files. The system's internal name for the file
is its i-number: the number of the inode holding the file's
- kernel
Part of an operating system that implements the interaction with
hardware and the sharing of resources.
- libraries
Executables should have no undefined symbols, only useful
symbols; all useful programs refer to symbols they do not define
(eg. printf or write). These references are resolved by pulling
object files from libraries into the executable.
- link
A symbolic link (alias in MacOS and shortcut under Windows) is a
file that points to another file; this is a commonly used tool. A
hard-link rarely created by the user, is a filename that points to
a block of data that has several other filenames as well.
- man page
Every version of UNIX comes with an extensive collection of
online help pages called man pages (short for manual pages). The
man pages are the authoritative documentation about your UNIX
system. They contain complete information about both the kernel and
all the utilities.
Mail Transfer Agents. Alongside the web, mail is the top reason
for the popularity of the Internet. E-mail is an inexpensive and
fast method of time-shifted messaging which, much like the Web, is
actually based around sending and receiving plain text files. The
protocol used is called the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
The server programs that implement SMTP to move mail from one
server to another are called MTAs. Once upon a time users would
have to Telnet into an SMTP server and use a command line mail
program like 'mutt' or 'pine' to check their mail. Now, GUI based
e-mail clients like Mozilla, Kmail and Outlook allow users to check
their email off of a local SMTP sever. Additional protocols like
POP3 and IMAP4 are used between the SMTP server and desktop mail
client to allow clients to manipulate files on, and download from,
their local mail server. The programs that implement POP3 and IMAP4
are called Mail Delivery Agents (MDAs). They are generally separate
from MTAs.
Network File System, is the UNIX equivalent of Server Message
Block (SMB). It is a way through which different machines can
import and export local files between each other. Like SMB though,
NFS sends information including user passwords unencrypted, so it's
best to limit its usage to within your local network.
- operating system
Software that shares a computer system's resources (processor,
memory, disk space, network bandwidth, and so on) between users and
the application programs they run. Controls access to the system to
provide security.
Pluggable Authentication Modules. A suite of shared libraries
that determine how a user will be authenticated. For example,
conventionally UNIX users authenticate themselves by supplying a
password at the password prompt after they have typed their name at
the login prompt. In many circumstances, such as internal access to
workstations, this simple form of authentication is considered
sufficient. In other cases, more information is warranted. If a
user wants to log in to an internal system from an external source,
like the Internet, more or alternative information may be required
- perhaps a one-time password. PAM provides this type of capability
and much more. Most important, PAM modules allow you to configure
your environment with the necessary level of security.
The shell looks for commands and programs in a list of file
paths stored in the PATH environment variable. An environment
variable stores information in a place where other programs and
commands can access it. Environment variables store information
such as the shell that you are using, your login name, and your
current working directory. To see a list of all the environment
variables currently defined; type 'set' at the prompt. When you
type a command at the shell prompt, the shell will look for that
command's program file in each directory listed in the PATH
variable, in order. The first program found matching the command
you typed will be run. If the command's program file is not in a
directory listed in you PATH environment variable, the shell
returns a "commands not found" error. By default, the shell does
not look in your current working directory or your home directory
for commands This is really a security mechanism so that you don't
execute programs by accident. What if a malicious user put a
harmful program called ls in your home directory? If you typed ls
and the shell looked for the fake program in your home directory
before the real program in the /bin directory, what do you think
would happen? If you thought bad things, you are on the right
track. Since your PATH doesn't have the current directory as one of
its search locations, programs in your current directory must be
called with an absolute path of a relative path specified as
'./program-name'. To see what directories are part of your PATH
enter this command: # echo $PATH
- pipes and sockets
Special files that programs use to communicate with one another.
They are rarely seen, but you might be able to see a socket or two
in the /dev/ directory.
- process identifier
Shown in the heading of the ps command as PID. The unique number
assigned to every process running in the system.
- rpc
Remote Procedure Calls. It enables a system to make calls to
programs such as NFS across the network transparently, enabling
each system to interpret the calls as if they were local. In this
case, it would make exported filesystems appear as thought they
were local.
- set group ID (SGID)
The SGID permission causes a script to run with its group set to
the group of the script, rather than the group of the user who
started it. It is normally considered extremely bad practice to run
a program in this way as it can pose many security problems. Later
versions of the Linux kernel will even prohibit the running of
shell scripts that have this attribute set.
- set user ID (SUID)
The SUID permission causes a script to run as the user who is
the owner of the script, rather than the user who started it. It is
normally considered extremely bad practice to run a program in this
way as it can pose many security problems. Later versions of the
Linux kernel will even prohibit the running of shell scripts that
have this attribute set.
- signal
Software interrupts sent to a program to indicate that an
important event has occurred. The events can vary from user
requests to illegal memory access errors. Some signals, like the
interrupt signal, indicate that a user has asked the program to do
something that is not in the usual flow of control.
The Secure Shell, or SSH, provides a way of running command line
and graphical applications, and transferring files, over an
encrypted connection, all that will be seen is junk. It is both a
protocol and a suite of small command line applications, which can
be used for various functions. SSH replaces the old Telnet
application, and can be used for secure remote administration of
machines across the Internet. However, it also has other features.
SSH increases the ease of running applications remotely by setting
up X permissions automatically. If you can log into a machine, it
allows you to run a graphical application on it, unlike Telnet,
which requires users to have an understanding of the X
authentication mechanisms that are manipulated through the xauth
and xhost commands. SSH also has inbuilt compression, which allows
your graphic applications to run much faster over the network. SCP
(Secure Copy) and SFTP (Secure FTP) allow transfer of files over
the remote link, either via SSH's own command line utilities or
graphical tools like Gnome's GFTP. Like Telnet, SSH is
cross-platform. You can find SSH server and clients for Linux, Unix
and all flavours of Windows, BeOS, PalmOS, Java and embedded Oses
used in routers.
Standard error. A special type of output used for error
messages. The file descriptor for STDERR is 2.
Standard input. User input is read from STDIN. The file
descriptor for STDIN is 0.
Standard output. The output of scripts is usually to STDOUT. The
file descriptor for STDOUT is 1.
- symbol table
The part of an object table that gives the value of each symbol
(usually as a section name and an offset) is called the symbol
table. Executables may also have a symbol table, with this one
giving the final values of the symbols. Debuggers use the symbol
table to present addresses to the user in a symbolic, rather than a
numeric form. It is possible to strip the symbol table from
executables resulting in a smaller sized executable but this
prevents meaningful debugging.
- symbolic link or soft link
A special filetype, which is a small pointer file, allowing
multiple names for the same file. Unlike hard links, symbolic links
can be made for directories and can be made across filesystems.
Commands that access the file being pointed to are said to follow
the symbolic link. Commands that access the link itself do not
follow the symbolic link.
- system call
The services provided by the kernel to application programs, and
the way in which they are invoked. See section 2 of the manual
- system program
Programs that implement high level functionality of an operating
system, i.e., things that aren't directly dependent on the
hardware. May sometimes require special privileges to run (e.g.,
for delivering electronic mail), but often just commonly thought of
as part of the system (e.g., a compiler).
- tcp-wrappers
Almost all of the services provided through inetd are invoked
through tcp-wrappers by way of the tcp-wrappers daemon, tcpd. The
tcp-wrappers mechanism provides access control list restrictions
and logging for all service requests to the service it wraps. It
may be used for either TCP or TCP services as long as the services
are invoked through a central daemon process such as inetd. These
programs log the client host name of incoming telnet, ftp, rsh,
rlogin, finger etc.... requests. Security options are access
control per host, domain and/or service; detection of host name
spoofing or host address spoofing; booby traps to implement an
early-warning system.
Zsh was developed by Paul Falstad as a replacement for both the
Bourne and C shell. It incorporates features of all the other
shells (such as file name completion and a history mechanism) as
well as new capabilities. Zsh is considered similar to the Korn
shell. Falstad intended to create in zsh a shell that would do
whatever a programmer might reasonably hope it would do. Zsh is
popular with advanced users. Along with the Korn shell and the C
shell, the Bourne shell remains among the three most widely used
and is included with all UNIX systems. The Bourne shell is often
considered the best shell for developing scripts.