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Sample Usage

It is useful to see where the disk is being used for an installed system. Below we identify the usage on several systems at some specific time.

Host Alpine Festival Cultus Mint
Disk 66G 69G 36G 8G
/bin 3M 3M 3M 3M
/boot 21M 37M 17M 10M
/dev       60M
/etc 32M 37M 27M 38M
/home 21G 2G 2G 3G
/lib 153M 124M 89M 80M
/sbin 4M 4M 3M 3M
/tmp 2G 0G 2M 6M
/usr 5G 4G 3G 3G
/var 21G 16G 2G 284M

Notes: The 16G in /var on Festival (101.16) is taken up with database files for mysql. Similarly, on Alpine (101.25) 19G of the 21G is in /var/lib/mysql.

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