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Obtain The Debian Pseudo-Image Kit

Note that this approach has been replaced with Jigdo, as detailed in Section 3.7.2.

If you don't have good access to a well connected CD image host then it is best to follow the following recipe to build the CD images. It is quite straightforward.

The first step is to obtain the appropriate Debian tools to build the CD image. Again, recall that the scenario here is to build the image on a Solaris machine, but the procedure should be similar for any GNU/Linux or Unix machine. The pseudo-image-kit package can be obtained from a number of locations listed at We use one of these locations here:

$ wget
$ tar zxvf pseudo-image-kit-2.0.tar.gz
$ cd pseudo-image-kit-2.0
$ perl -pi -e 's|^#! /bin/sh|#! /usr/local/bin/bash|' make-pseudo-image

The last operation here changes the location at which the script make-pseudo-image expects to find the installed version of the bash shell. Under GNU/Linux it is /bin/sh but under Solaris it may be installed in /usr/local/bin/bash.

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