We can specify exactly which emails we wish a recipe to apply to. We
do this for a recipe which will forward email on to another user, as
well as keeping a copy for ourselves:
:0 c
* ^From.*abc.com
! abcmail@togaware.com
Lines beginning with * allow us to identify email messages to
which the recipe should apply. This example forwards any email from
particular users (any email from anyone with an email address that has
the string abc.com in it), onto another user
(abcuser@togaware.com). You can have a comma separated list
of email addresses on to which the email should be forwarded.
With this recipe the recipe introduction uses the c flag to
pass the email message on to following recipes as a carbon copy. Also,
there is no trailing colon, so we are not requesting a lockfile for
this recipe--in this case we don't need to use a lockfile because two
instances of procmail will not interfere with each other
when the action is to send the email on to someone else.
Copyright © 1995-2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com