The default email server for Debian is exim. This can be
set up in one of several ways, depending on how you will access your
email. The exim
configurator will list the options. The
newer exim4
will become the default at some time and its
configuration is somewhat simpler. To configure it:
$ wajig reconfigure exim4-config
For a machine connected to the Internet, receiving email via
fetchmail, for example, and using a remote SMTP server to send email,
the setup might be:
Personal preference as to whether you split config into smaller files
mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail
System mail name:
Four <Return> # Just choose the defaults.
Hide local mail name in outgoing mail? Yes
Visible domain name for local users:
One <Return> # Choose the default
The file /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf contains the
simple configuration information which is used to generate the more
complex exim4
configuration files. Assuming you choose not
to split the configuration file, the configuration file for manual
editing is /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template.
If you use Maildir formats that you want your local email to deliver
to you can change:
The file /etc/email-addresses can be used to generate a From:
address for each user (so that the From address will not be the
default of the user@host).
You can have exim4
rewrite email addresses by adding
something like the following two lines after the begin
begin rewrite s
kayon F
Use exim -Mvh messageid to list the headers of email
waiting to be sent. Use exim -Mvb messageid to view the
body of an email waiting to be sent. Use exim -Mrm
messageid to remove a message from the queue waiting to be
If you have a bunch of frozen messages you want to remove, the
following command will do it:
# exiqgrep -zi | xargs exim -Mrm
Exim will not bounce emails if the original message looks like a
bounce. Instead the message is frozen, awaiting the SysAdmin's
attention. To bounce the message with a message to the original user,
and thereby removing it from the queue, use -Mg messageid .
Some other tricks for managing the exim mail queue with
exiqgrep include:
# exiqgrep -zi -o 86400 # Frozen messages older than a day
# exiqgrep -z -f "" # Double bounces
You can check other information with exinext, for example
to see when exim will try sending to again (assuming there is
an email in the queue for a user at
# exinext
Transport: []:1BnRRO-000Bg5-OH error 0:
SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: host
[]: 421 lost
first failed: 25-Jul-2004 03:14:45
last tried: 25-Jul-2004 06:43:24
next try at: 25-Jul-2004 08:13:24
(These examples thanks to Lanny Godsey.)
Exim places its email in /var/spool/exim4/, each message has
a common prefix with three files corresponding to the mail body, mail
header, and exim data.
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