Now download from a local server the actual packages that will make
up the contents of the CD-ROM:
$ ./make-pseudo-image binary-i386-1.list
This takes quite a while! The end product is a file called
pseudo-image. All the other pseudo-image* files can
be removed (they're used to keep track of where things were up to in
case the download is interrupted).
This download is called the pseudo image because it's an approximation
of the real image! It's pretty close, but not yet guaranteed perfect.
It is a simple process to now turn it into an official image:
$ mv pseudo-image binary-i386-1.iso
$ rsync --verbose --progress --stats --block-size=8192 \ .
This uses rsync to synchronise your CD-ROM image with the
official one. When this is complete you can burn this CD-ROM image
directly to CD-ROM. Most CD-ROM burning software supports burning iso
images directly.
Some other useful rsync commands allow you to hunt around
the directory structure of an rsync server. Some useful commands are:
List contents of the rsync server's root directory
$ rsync
List the contents of another directory
$ rsync --dry-run*
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