RGB-to-Hex Conversion
Question: How do I convert RGB values of a color to a hexadecimal string?
The algorithm is as follows:
make sure that RGB values are in the range 0...255,
convert RGB values to hex strings,
and then merge the three strings.
Here is a script that does this conversion:
function RGBtoHex(R,G,B) {return toHex(R)+toHex(G)+toHex(B)}
function toHex(N) {
if (N==null) return "00";
N=parseInt(N); if (N==0 || isNaN(N)) return "00";
N=Math.max(0,N); N=Math.min(N,255); N=Math.round(N);
return "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((N-N%16)/16)
+ "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(N%16);
Try it yourself:
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