Converting Numbers to Another Base
Question: How do I convert a number to a different base (radix)?
In JavaScript 1.1, you can use the standard method Number.toString(radix)
for converting a number to a string representing that number
in a non-decimal number system (e.g. to a string of
binary, octal or hexadecimal digits). For example:
a = (32767).toString(16) // this gives "7fff"
b = (255).toString(8) // this gives "377"
c = (1295).toString(36) // this gives "zz"
d = (127).toString(2) // this gives "1111111"
However, in old browsers (supporting only JavaScript 1.0)
there is no standard method for this conversion.
Here is a function that does the conversion of integers
to an arbitrary base (radix) in JavaScript 1.0:
function toRadix(N,radix) {
var HexN="", Q=Math.floor(Math.abs(N)), R;
while (true) {
HexN = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(R)+HexN;
Q=(Q-R)/radix; if (Q==0) break;
return ((N<0) ? "-"+HexN : HexN);
You can test this conversion right now:
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