# WOODY COMES with better scripts.  Use them instead.
# To start fetchmail as a system service, copy this file to
# /etc/init.d/fetchmail and run "update-rc.d fetchmail
# defaults 30".  A fetchmailrc file containg hosts and
# passwords for all local users should be placed in /root
# and should contain a line of the form "set daemon <nnn>".
# To remove the service, delete /etc/init.d/fetchmail and run
# "update-rc.d fetchmail remove".

# Patch to make sure to start in sysvinit
# Without following, fetchmail trys to read /.fetchmail instead of 
# /root/fetchmail if started in sysvinit script.  ($PWD=$HOME=/)

set -e
test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting mail retrieval agent: "
        if start-stop-daemon --start --exec $DAEMON -- -f $FETCHMAILRC; then echo "fetchmail."
        else echo "fetchmail fail to start, maybe already running."; fi
        echo -n "Stopping mail retrieval agent: "
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
        echo "fetchmail."
        echo -n "Restarting mail retrieval agent: "
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
        if start-stop-daemon --start --exec $DAEMON -- -f $FETCHMAILRC; then echo "fetchmail."
        else echo "fetchmail fail to start, maybe already running."; fi
        echo "fetchmail."
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/fetchmail {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1

exit 0