# ======================== Default ==================================== # Defaults for procmail # # All delivary to Qmail style Maildir. i.e. followed by / # No lock needed MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Inbox/ LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/Maillog # H Header (Default) # B Body # b feed body to the pipe (Default) # D Case sensitive (Default=case insensitive) # f filter throgh the pipe # h Feed the header to the pipe (Default) # w wait # ======================== Touch-up =========================================== ## Add message length for Maildir(qmail) :0 BHfw * H ?? !^Lines: * -1^0 * 1^1 ^.*$ | formail -i "Lines: $=" ## Add a "Content-Type: application/pgp" header so Mutt will know the ## mail is encrypted. :0 BHfw * ^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- * ! ^Content-type: multipart | formail -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encryptsign" ## Add a "Content-Type: application/pgp" header so Mutt will know the ## mail is signed. :0 BHfw * ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- * ! ^Content-type: multipart | formail -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign" # ======================== Drop WORM mail ========================== ### Worm by the header #:0 #* ^X-Mailer: Microsoft #* ^X-MailScanner: Found to be clean #Xworm/ ### Worm by the body marks ### Copy fist 1 line (about 20 chars) of virus (Need some escape) #:0 HB #* 1^0 ^PEhUTUw\+DQo8SEVBREVSP #Xworm-body/ ## SPAM by the body marks :0 HB * 1^0 ^https://www.reipska.biz/go/ /dev/null # ======================== SA FILTER ========================== # The lock file ensures that only 1 spamassassin invocation happens # at 1 time, to keep the load down. # :0fw: 0.spamassassin.lock * < 256000 | spamc # Mails with a score of 15 or higher are almost certainly spam (with 0.05% # false positives according to rules/STATISTICS.txt). Let's put them in a # different mbox. (This one is optional.) :0 * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Xspam-SA-certainly/ # All mail tagged as spam (eg. with a score higher than the set threshold) # is moved to "probably-spam". :0 * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes Xspam-SA-probably/ # ======================== CRM114 FILTER ========================== # Based on info: # # https://triplehelix.org/~joshk/CRM114.html (main) # https://fruit.eu.org/crm114/ (some) # # I may not need lock due to Maildir :0fw: 0.crm114.lock | /usr/share/crm114/mailfilter.crm -u $HOME/.crm114/ # ======================== Absolute white list ================================ # whitelist for Debian BTS mail :0 # BTS * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*debbugs@master\.debian\.org # From/to hitachi-ps.co.jp * 1^0 ^hitachi-ps.co.jp Inbox/ # ======================== Drop bad SPAM immediately ========================== ## by from header :0 * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*noresponderdeco@ * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*<big@boss.com> * 1^0 ^From:.*fsshl@centurytel.net * 1^0 ^TO_.*@mail63\.csoft\.net * 1^0 ^TO_.*undisclosed.*recipient * 1^0 ^TO_.*Valued.*Customer * 1^0 ^TO_.*freedisk@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^TO_.*bogus@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^TO_.*nospam@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^TO_.*fsshl@centurytel.net * 1^0 relay[0-9]*\.uu\.net /dev/null #Xspam-address/ # ======================== Mark SPAM featurs ================================== # check header :0 # very very bad subject key words * 1^0 ^X-Advertisement * 1^0 ^Subject: *$ * 1^0 ^Subject: *RE: *$ * 1^0 ^Subject:.*(no subject) * 1^0 ^Subject: *subscribe * 1^0 ^Subject: *unsubscribe * 1^0 ^Subject: *ADV(ERTI|[^a-zA-Z]) * 1^0 ^Subject:.*virus.*found * 1^0 ^Subject:.*virus.*Detected * 1^0 ^Subject:.*Virus.*Alert * 1^0 ^Subject:.*AntiVirus.*scan * 1^0 ^Subject:.*BUSINESS PROPOSAL * 1^0 ^Subject:.*STRICTLY.*CONFIDENTIAL * 1^0 ^Subject:.*URGENT.*ASISSTANCE * 1^0 ^Subject: *I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE * 1^0 ^Subject:.*Your application * 1^0 ^Subject: *Thank you!$ * 1^0 ^Subject:.*SOBIG$ * 1^0 ^Subject:.*\[Filtro\] #* 1^0 ^From:.*Microsoft #* 1^0 ^From:.*Virus Alert #Xspam-sub/ /dev/null :0 BHfw # if mail is these types, it is OK * ! ^Content-Type:.*pgp-signature * ! ^Content-Type:.*pgp-encrypted * ! ^From:.*Jens Seidel * ! ^From:.*Thomas Hood * ! ^Content-Type:.*x-diff * ! ^TO_.*bugs.debian.org { ## For Multipart :0 HBfw * ^Content-Type:.*multipart | formail -A "X-SPAM: MIME" ## For HTML :0 HBfw * ^Content-Type:.*html | formail -A "X-SPAM: HTML" ## Asian codings Check body(B) and case sensitive(D) # if 5% are high bit characters # https://www3.sympatico.ca/walter.dnes/email/chinese/ :0 BDfw # safety offset * -100^0 # Maybe Japanese * -1000^1 ^TO_.*debian-japanese@debian.org * -1000^1 ^TO_.*@debian.or.jp * -10000^1 ^TO_.*osamu@aokiconsulting.com # char counter * -1^1 . # bad char counter * 2^1 =[0-9A-F][0-9A-F] * 20^1 [��������������������������������] * 20^1 [��������������������������������] * 20^1 [��������������������������������] * 20^1 =[A-F][0-9A-F] | formail -A "X-SPAM: ASIA 8B $=" # If 50% of line contains asian 7 bit encoded :0 BDfw # safety offset * -10^0 # Maybe Japanese * -10000^1 ^TO_.*debian-japanese@debian.org * -10000^1 ^TO_.*@debian.or.jp * -10000^1 ^TO_.*osamu@aokiconsulting.com # line counter * -10^1 ^.+$ # 7 bit escape counter * 10^1 \$|\( # suspicious char counter (optional) * 2^1 [\$%!] | formail -A "X-SPAM: ASIA 7B $=" # If 90% of line contains CAPITAL :0 BDfw # safety offset * -10^0 # upper case * 1^1 [QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM<>] # lower case * -10^1 [qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm] | formail -A "X-SPAM: CAPITAL" } # ======================= Mailing List ======================================== # Mailing list :0 * 1^0 ^Precedence: list * 1^0 ^Precedence: bulk * 1^0 ^List- * 1^0 ^X-Distribution:.*bulk { # ML ======================== Drop SPAM ======================================= :0 * ^X-SPAM: HTML Xspam-ML-HTML/ #:0 #* ^X-SPAM: MIME #Xspam-ML-MIME/ :0 * ^X-SPAM: CAPITAL Xspam-ML-CAP/ # ML ======================== Delivary for Japanese list ====================== :0 * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*debian-devel-admin@debian.or.jp jp-debian-devel/ :0 * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*debian-private-admin@debian.or.jp jp-debian-private/ :0 * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*debian-users-admin@debian.or.jp jp-debian-users/ :0 * 1^0 ^Return-path:.*debian.*-admin@debian.or.jp jp-debian-something/ :0 * 1^0 ^Resent-Sender.*debian-japanese-request@lists.debian.org debian-japanese/ # ML ======================== Block ASIAN characters ========================== :0 * ^X-SPAM: ASIA Xspam-ML-ASIA/ #:0 #* ^X-SPAM: #Xspam-ML/ # ML ======================== Delivary for non-Japanese list ================== :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-user-request@lists.debian.org { # Copy good posts separately :0 c * 1^0 ^From:.*Colin Watson * 1^0 ^From:.*Manoj Srivastav * 1^0 ^From:.*Joey Hess * 1^0 ^From:.*Rene Engelhard * 1^0 ^From:.*Jaldhar H\. Vyas * 1^0 ^From:.*Jamin W\. Collins * 1^0 ^From:.*Manoj Srivastava debian-user-gods/ :0 debian-user/ } :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org debian-devel/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-devel-announce-request@lists.debian.org debian-devel-announce/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-bugs-rc-request@lists.debian.org debian-bugs-rc/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-project-request@lists.debian.org debian-project/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-curiosa-request@lists.debian.org debian-curiosa/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-events-eu-request@lists.debian.org debian-events-eu/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-testing-request@lists.debian.org debian-testing/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-security-announce-request@lists.debian.org debian-security-announce/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-tetex-maint-request@lists.debian.org debian-tetex-maint/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-laptop@lists.debian.org #/dev/null debian-laptop/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-mentors-request@lists.debian.org debian-mentors/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-newmaint-request@lists.debian.org debian-newmaint/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-legal-request@lists.debian.org debian-legal/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-policy-request@lists.debian.org debian-policy/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-private-request@lists.debian.org debian-private/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-news-request@lists.debian.org debian-news/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-announce-request@lists.debian.org debian-announce/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-custom-request@lists.debian.org debian-custom/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-desktop-request@lists.debian.org debian-desktop/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-doc-request@lists.debian.org * ^Subject:.*cvs commit to ddp debian-doc-cvs/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-doc-request@lists.debian.org * ^Subject:.*DDP CVS commit debian-doc-cvs/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-doc-request@lists.debian.org debian-doc/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-vote-request@lists.debian.org debian-vote/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-firewall-request@lists.debian.org #/dev/null debian-firewall/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-policy-request@lists.debian.org debian-policy/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-laptop-request@lists.debian.org #/dev/null debian-laptop/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-qa-request@lists.debian.org #/dev/null debian-qa/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-sgml-request@lists.debian.org debian-sgml/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-www-request@lists.debian.org debian-www/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-boot-request@lists.debian.org debian-boot/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-cd-request@lists.debian.org debian-cd/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-testing-request@lists.debian.org debian-testing/ :0 * ^Resent-Sender.*debian-i18n-request@lists.debian.org debian-i18n/ :0 * ^Sender:.*spi-announce-admin@lists.spi-inc.org spi-announce/ :0 * ^Sender:.*spi-private-admin@lists.spi-inc.org spi-private/ :0 * ^Sender:.*spi-bylaws-admin@lists.spi-inc.org spi-bylaws/ :0 * ^Sender.*newbiedoc-discuss-admin@lists.sourceforge.net newbiedoc-discuss/ :0 * ^Sender:.*crm114-general-admin@lists\.sourceforge\.net crm114/ :0 #* 1^0 ^Sender.*qref-developers-admin@lists.sourceforge.net #* 1^0 ^From:.*qref-developers-admin@lists.sourceforge.net #* 1^0 ^TO_.*qref-developers-admin@lists.sourceforge.net * 1^0 ^Return-path.*qref-developers-admin@lists.sourceforge.net qref-dev/ :0 * ^Sender.*@list.csoft.net csoft/ :0 * ^Sender.*owner-mutt-users@mutt.org mutt-users/ :0 * ^Sender: help-gnu-emacs-admin@gnu.org emacs/ :0 * ^Sender: torture-admin@gnu.org emacs/ :0 #* ^Sender: private-admin@mentors.debian.net * ^Return-path: private-admin@mentors.debian.net dm-opers/ :0 * ^Delivered-To:.*vim@vim.org vim/ :0 * 1^0 ^TO_.*bad@bad.debian.net bad/ :0 mailing-list/ } # ======================== Normal Mails =============================== # Whitelist address to accept :0 * 1^0 ^TO_.*@bugs\.debian\.org * 1^0 ^TO_.*@packages\.qa\.debian\.org * 1^0 ^Resent-Sender:.*master\.debian\.org Inbox/ # =========================== Drop SPAM ======================================= # If new post is with empty From/To/Subject, we may skip it. # Also we may skip autoresponders :0 * ^X-SPAM: HTML Xspam-In-HTML/ :0 * ^X-SPAM: MIME Xspam-In-MIME/ :0 * ^X-SPAM: SUBJECT Xspam-In-SUB/ :0 * ^X-SPAM: CAPITAL Xspam-In-CAP/ # =========================== Deliver Japanese ================================ :0 * ^TO_.*osamu@aokiconsulting\.com Inbox-jp/ :0 * ^Delivered-To:.*osamu@aokiconsulting\.com Inbox-jp-1/ # =========================== Block SPAM ====================================== * ^X-SPAM: ASIA Xspam-In-ASIA/ :0 * ^X-SPAM: Xspam-In/ # =========================== Deliver non-Japanese ============================ :0 * 1^0 ^FROM_MAILER * 1^0 ^FROM_DAEMON { * 1^0 ^Subject: *virus.*found * 1^0 ^Subject:.*SOBIG Inbox-daemon-virus/ 0: Inbox-daemon/ } # ======================== CRM114 FILTER ========================== :0 * ^X-CRM114-Status: SPAM.* { :0 * ^X-CRM114-Status: SPAM \( pR: -[0-9]\. Xspam-crm-0/ :0 * ^X-CRM114-Status: SPAM \( pR: -[1-3][0-9]\. Xspam-crm-1/ :0 * ^X-CRM114-Status: SPAM \( pR: -[4-9][0-9]\. Xspam-crm-2/ :0 * ^X-CRM114-Status: SPAM \( pR: -[1-3][0-9][0-9]\. Xspam-crm-3/ :0 Xspam-crm/ } :0 * 1^0 ^TO_.*debian@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^TO_.*osamu@debian\.org * 1^0 ^TO_.*osamu@users\.sourceforge\.net * 1^0 ^TO_.*staff@debianplanet\.org Inbox/ :0 * 1^0 ^TO_.*@debian\.org * 1^0 ^TO_.*@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^TO_.*@csoft\.net * 1^0 ^TO_.*@leary\.csoft\.net Inbox-0/ :0 * 1^0 ^Delivered-To:.*@debian\.org * 1^0 ^Delivered-To:.*@aokiconsulting\.com * 1^0 ^Delivered-To:.*@csoft\.net * 1^0 ^Delivered-To:.*@leary\.csoft\.net Inbox-1/ :0 In-thru/