n dd will delete n lines starting from
the current cursor position.
n dw will delete n words at the right
side of the cursor.
x will delete the character on which the
cursor is positioned
:n moves to line n of the file.
:w will save (write) the file
:q will exit the editor.
:q! forces the exit when you want to quit
a file containing unsaved changes.
:wq will save and exit
:w newfile will save the text to
:wq! overrides read-only permission (if
you have the permission to override permissions, for instance when
you are using the root account.
/astring will search the string in the
file and position the cursor on the first match below its
/ will perform the same search again,
moving the cursor to the next match.
:1, $s/word/anotherword/g will replace
word with anotherword throughout the file.
yy will copy a block of text.
n p will paste it n times.
:recover will recover a file after an
unexpected interruption.