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Chapter 8. Upgrading an Existing System

The installation system automatically detects any existing installation of Fedora. The upgrade process updates the existing system software with new versions, but does not remove any data from users' home directories. The existing partition structure on your hard drives does not change. Your system configuration changes only if a package upgrade demands it. Most package upgrades do not change system configuration, but rather install an additional configuration file for you to examine later.

8.1. Upgrade Examine

If your system contains a Fedora or Red Hat Linux installation, a dialog appears asking whether you want to upgrade that installation. To perform an upgrade of an existing system, choose the appropriate installation from the drop-down list and select Next .

[Note] Manually Installed Software

Software which you have installed manually on your existing Fedora or Red Hat Linux system may behave differently after an upgrade. You may need to manually recompile this software after an upgrade to ensure it performs correctly on the updated system.


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