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Appendix B. Installing Without Media

This section discusses how to install Fedora to your system without making any additional physical media. Instead, you can use your existing GRUB boot loader to start the installation program.

[Important] Linux Required

This procedure assumes you are already using Fedora or another relatively modern Linux distribution, and the GRUB boot loader. It also assumes you are a somewhat experienced Linux user.

B.1. Retrieving Boot Files

To perform an installation without media or a PXE server, your system must have two files stored locally, a kernel and an initial RAM disk.

  1. Download a Live image or DVD distribution, or to locate an installation mirror, visit

  2. Locate the isolinux/ folder using one of the following methods:

    • If you chose to download an image, open it with the appropriate desktop tool. If you are using Fedora, double-click the file to open it with the Archive Manager . Open the isolinux/ folder.

    • If you chose not to download a whole image because you wish to install via the network, locate the desired release. In general, once you find a suitable mirror, browse to the releases/8/Fedora/ arch /os/isolinux/ folder.

    [Note] Installation Types Available

    If you download an image, you may then choose a hard disk-based installation or a network installation. If you only download selected files from a mirror, you may only perform a network installation.

  3. Copy the vmlinuz and initrd.img files from the chosen source to the /boot/ directory, renaming them to vmlinuz-install and initrd.img-installYou must have root privileges to write files into the /boot/ directory.


  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire