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Appendix C. Setting Up an Installation Server

[Note] Experience Required

This appendix is intended for users with previous Linux experience. If you are a new user, you may want to install using minimal boot media or the distribution DVD instead.

In the past, administrators needed to perform a great deal of manual configuration to produce an installation server. However, if you have a Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Fedora server on your local network, you can use cobbler to perform these tasks.

To perform the tasks in this section, switch to the root account with the command su -. As an alternative, you can run a command with the -c option, using the form su -c ' command '.

C.1. Setting Up cobbler

To install cobbler use the following command:

yum -y install cobbler

The cobbler command can check its own settings for validity and report the results. Run the following command to check the settings:

cobbler check

Change the settings in the /var/lib/cobbler/settings file to reflect the IP address information for the server. You must change at least the server and next_server options, although these options may point to the same IP address.

If you are not already running a DHCP server, you should also change the manage_dhcp option to 1 . If you are running a DHCP server, configure it according to the instructions found in the syslinux package documentation. For more information, refer to your local files /usr/share/doc/syslinux- version /syslinux.doc and /usr/share/doc/syslinux- version /pxelinux.doc.


  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire