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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.

4.8. Installing via NFS

The NFS dialog applies only if you are installing from an NFS server (if you selected NFS Image in the Installation Method dialog).

Enter the domain name or IP address of your NFS server. For example, if you are installing from a host named eastcoast in the domain, enter in the NFS Server field.

Next, enter the name of the exported directory. If you followed the setup described in Section 2.5 Preparing for a Network Installation, you would enter the directory /location/of/disk/space/ which contains the RedHat/ directory.

If the NFS server is exporting a mirror of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation tree, enter the directory which contains the RedHat/ directory. (If you do not know this directory path, ask your system administrator.) For example, if the NFS site contains the directory /mirrors/redhat/arch/RedHat/, enter /mirrors/redhat/arch/ (where arch is replaced with the architecture type of your system, such as i386, ia64, ppc, or s390). If everything was specified properly, a message appears indicating that the installation program for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is running.

Figure 4-4. NFS Setup Dialog

If the NFS server is exporting the ISO images of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROMs, enter the directory which contains the ISO images.

Next, the Welcome dialog appears.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire