Installing documentation uses the same principles, with
a little more complication. Gnome documentation is
typically written in DocBook. DocBook is an SGML DTD
("Document Type Definition") just as HTML is. However,
DocBook's tags are designed for technical
documentation. Documentation written in DocBook can be
converted to several other formats, including
PostScript and HTML. Standardly, you want to install
the HTML format so users can read it with their web
browser or the Gnome help browser.
The Gnome libraries and help browser understand a file
called topic.dat, which is
simply a list of help topics with corresponding URLs.
It serves as an index of help topics for your
application. Here's an example, with only two entries:
gnome-hello.html GnomeHello manual
advanced.html Advanced Topics
URLs are relative to the directory where you install
your help files.
You should consider in advance that your documentation
will be translated into other languages. It is nice to
make a subdirectory in your source tree for each
locale; for example, the default C locale or the es (Spanish) locale. That way
translations don't cause clutter. Gnome expects help to
be installed in a directory named after the locale, so
this arrangement is convenient from that point of view
as well. Your documentation directory might look like
this one from the
GnomeHello example application:
Here is doc/C/
gnome_hello_helpdir = $(datadir)/gnome/help/gnome-hello/C
gnome_hello_help_DATA = \
gnome-hello.html \
# files that aren't in a binary/data/library target have to be listed here
# to be included in the tarball when you 'make dist'
topic.dat \
## The - before the command means to ignore it if it fails. that way
## people can still build the software without the docbook tools
gnome-hello.html: gnome-hello/gnome-hello.html
-cp gnome-hello/gnome-hello.html .
gnome-hello/gnome-hello.html: $(SGML_FILES)
-db2html gnome-hello.sgml
## when we make dist, we include the generated HTML so people don't
## have to have the docbook tools
mkdir $(distdir)/gnome-hello
-cp gnome-hello/*.html gnome-hello/*.css $(distdir)/gnome-hello
-cp gnome-hello.html $(distdir)
install-data-local: gnome-hello.html
$(mkinstalldirs) $(gnome_hello_helpdir)/images
-for file in $(srcdir)/gnome-hello/*.html $(srcdir)/gnome-hello/*.css; do \
basefile=`basename $$file`; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$file $(gnome_hello_helpdir)/$$basefile; \
done gnome-hello.sgml
-db2ps $<
gnome-hello.rtf: gnome-hello.sgml
-db2rtf $<
In particular notice the install directory for the
generated HTML files:
$(datadir)/gnome/help/gnome-hello/C. The Gnome
libraries look for help here. Each application's help
goes in its own directory under $(datadir)/gnome/help. Each locale's
documentation is installed in its own subdirectory of
the application directory. Other rules in run the DocBook-to-HTML
converter, include HTML in the distribution tarball,
and create PostScript and Rich Text Format targets.
(Users can create PostScript by typing make explicitly.)