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Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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Canvas Items

Most of the time you will be interested in canvas items rather than the canvas itself. Canvas items are typically very easy to use, compared to widgets; none of the standard items have any unique signals, since they are not interactive. (Since GnomeCanvasItem is a subclass of GtkObject, however, you could certainly have an item with signals if you wanted to.) The GnomeCanvasItem base class has a single signal, "event", which is used to convey all types of event. The "event" signal has no default handler; canvas items do not respond to events unless you connect handlers of your own. Figure 8 lists all the useful functions for working with the GnomeCanvasItem base class.

To create a canvas item, you use the generic gnome_canvas_item_new() (or gnome_canvas_item_newv()). This function accepts the group to place the item in, the GtkType of the GnomeCanvasItem subclass to create, and finally a NULL-terminated list of arguments to set. The argument list is purely for convenience, so you don't have to call gnome_canvas_item_set() immediately. gnome_canvas_item_new() creates a new instance of the type with gtk_type_new(), adds the item to its GnomeCanvasGroup, and schedules it to be redrawn.

To destroy an item and remove it from the canvas, simply call gtk_object_destroy(). You can also use the standard reference counting mechanism with canvas items.

You can set an item's affine using gnome_canvas_item_affine_absolute(), or compose a new affine with the item's existing affine using gnome_canvas_item_affine_relative(). These functions can be used to translate, scale, or rotate a canvas item (however, scaling and rotation only work in antialiased mode).

Items in a group are normally stacked in the order you add them, with the most recently-added item "on top" and the oldest item on the bottom. You can manipulate the stacking order with gnome_canvas_item_raise() and gnome_canvas_item_lower(). These move an item up or down by the given number of positions. It is safe to pass in a too-large value for positions; the item will be moved as far as possible and no more. You can also request that an item is moved to one extreme or the other, using gnome_canvas_item_raise_to_top() and gnome_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom.

Items can be shown and hidden; hidden items are not rendered by the canvas and do not receive events. All items are visible by default. The routines are gnome_canvas_item_show() and gnome_canvas_item_hide().

Reparenting a canvas item is straightforward; the only rule is that the new group must be on the same canvas as the old group.

gnome_canvas_item_grab_focus() is analagous to gtk_widget_grab_focus(); it sends all key events to the item with the grab. It also sends focus change events to the item (when the item gains or loses the focus).

Canvas items can grab and ungrab the mouse pointer just as a GdkWindow can; the arguments to gnome_canvas_item_grab() are exactly analagous to those of gdk_pointer_grab() (see the chapter called GDK Basics). While a canvas item has the pointer grabbed, no other item receives events. Behind the scenes, GnomeCanvas uses gdk_pointer_grab() to implement gnome_canvas_item_grab(), so an item grabbing the mouse away from other items implies the canvas grabbing the mouse away from other widgets.

The visual properties of canvas items are manipulated almost entirely via object arguments. If you skipped the chapter called The GTK+ Object and Type System, go back and read the section on object arguments now. Two functions are used to set canvas item properties: gnome_canvas_item_set() and gnome_canvas_item_setv(). These are almost but not quite equivalent to gtk_object_set() and gtk_object_setv()---they set object arguments in the same way, but they also mark the canvas item to be redrawn. So you should prefer them to the GtkObject variants. (This is something of a design bug, and future canvas versions will most likely allow you to use gtk_object_set().)

gnome_canvas_item_request_update() marks the canvas item as "dirty" and queues it to be redrawn. Internally, the canvas uses a one-shot idle function to perform redraws; that is, it waits until no more GTK+ events are pending, then redraws itself a single time. It does this by installing an idle function with gtk_idle_add() and removing it after it runs once. Thus gnome_canvas_item_request_update() can be called many times without creating an efficiency problem---it pretty much does nothing at all if an update is already pending.

       #include <libgnomeui/gnome-canvas.h>

GnomeCanvasItem* gnome_canvas_item_new(GnomeCanvasGroup* parent, GtkType type, const gchar* first_arg_name, ...);

GnomeCanvasItem* gnome_canvas_item_newv(GnomeCanvasGroup* parent, GtkType type, guint nargs, GtkArg* args);

void gnome_canvas_item_set(GnomeCanvasItem* item, const gchar* first_arg_name, ...);

void gnome_canvas_item_setv(GnomeCanvasItem* item, guint nargs, GtkArg* args);

void gnome_canvas_item_affine_relative(GnomeCanvasItem* item, const double affine[6]);

void gnome_canvas_item_affine_absolute(GnomeCanvasItem* item, const double affine[6]);

void gnome_canvas_item_raise(GnomeCanvasItem* item, int positions);

void gnome_canvas_item_lower(GnomeCanvasItem* item, int positions);

void gnome_canvas_item_raise_to_top(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

void gnome_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

void gnome_canvas_item_show(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

void gnome_canvas_item_hide(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

void gnome_canvas_item_reparent(GnomeCanvasItem* item, GnomeCanvasGroup* new_group);

void gnome_canvas_item_grab_focus(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

int gnome_canvas_item_grab(GnomeCanvasItem* item, unsigned int event_mask, GdkCursor* cursor, guint32 etime);

void gnome_canvas_item_ungrab(GnomeCanvasItem* item, guint32 etime);

void gnome_canvas_item_get_bounds(GnomeCanvasItem* item, double* x1, double* y1, double* x2, double* y2);

void gnome_canvas_item_request_update(GnomeCanvasItem* item);

Figure 8. Using GnomeCanvasItem

Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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