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Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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The relationship between draw, draw_focus, draw_default, and expose_event was discussed in the section called Drawing. All four class functions are registered as default handlers for a signal of the same name. The "draw" signal redraws a portion of the widget; it is emitted by GTK+ or by widget implementations.

Widget implementations should emit the "draw_focus" signal themselves, generally in response to focus events; the signal draws or undraws a frame indicating that the widget is focused. gtk_window_set_default() emits the "draw_default" signal for both the widget losing default status and the widget gaining it. (gtk_widget_grab_default() calls gtk_window_set_default().) Only widgets with the GTK_CAN_FOCUS or GTK_CAN_DEFAULT flag set need to worry about the draw_focus and draw_default methods. These flags should be set in a widget's instance initialization function.

Only the draw method has a default implementation in GtkWidget; the default implementation synthesizes an expose event covering the widget's entire allocation. This allows you to write an expose event handler that also handles the draw signal.

GTK+ normally emits the "draw" signal in an idle function. That is, it keeps a list of widgets (and regions of them) that need to be redrawn; when no events are pending, the GTK+ main loop runs an idle function that traverses the list and emits the "draw" signal for each widget. Redraw areas are merged as much as possible to avoid multiple redraws, and the idle function is removed after it runs once. This arrangement minimizes the number of redraws and reduces flicker.

Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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