Contributed by Tillman Hodgson.
Based on a contribution by Mark
Every FreeBSD release beyond FreeBSD-5.1 includes support only for Kerberos5. Hence Kerberos5 is the only
version included, and its configuration is similar in many aspects to that of KerberosIV. The following information only applies to Kerberos5 in post FreeBSD-5.0 releases. Users who wish to use the
KerberosIV package may install the security/krb4 port.
Kerberos is a network add-on system/protocol that allows
users to authenticate themselves through the services of a secure server. Services such
as remote login, remote copy, secure inter-system file copying and other high-risk tasks
are made considerably safer and more controllable.
Kerberos can be described as an identity-verifying proxy
system. It can also be described as a trusted third-party authentication system. Kerberos provides only one function -- the secure authentication
of users on the network. It does not provide authorization functions (what users are
allowed to do) or auditing functions (what those users did). After a client and server
have used Kerberos to prove their identity, they can also
encrypt all of their communications to assure privacy and data integrity as they go about
their business.
Therefore it is highly recommended that Kerberos be used
with other security methods which provide authorization and audit services.
The following instructions can be used as a guide on how to set up Kerberos as distributed for FreeBSD. However, you should refer to
the relevant manual pages for a complete description.
For purposes of demonstrating a Kerberos installation, the
various name spaces will be handled as follows:
Note: Please use real domain names when setting up Kerberos even if you intend to run it internally. This avoids
DNS problems and assures inter-operation with other Kerberos realms.
Kerberos was created by MIT as a solution to network security problems. The Kerberos protocol uses strong cryptography so that a client can
prove its identity to a server (and vice versa) across an insecure network
Kerberos is both the name of a network authentication
protocol and an adjective to describe programs that implement the program (Kerberos telnet, for example). The current version of the
protocol is version 5, described in RFC 1510.
Several free implementations of this protocol are available, covering a wide range of
operating systems. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Kerberos was originally
developed, continues to develop their Kerberos package. It is
commonly used in the US as a cryptography product, as
such it has historically been affected by US export
regulations. The MIT Kerberos is available as a port (security/krb5). Heimdal Kerberos is
another version 5 implementation, and was explicitly developed outside of the US to avoid export regulations (and is thus often included in
non-commercial UNIX® variants). The Heimdal Kerberos distribution is available as a port (security/heimdal), and a minimal installation of it is included
in the base FreeBSD install.
In order to reach the widest audience, these instructions assume the use of the
Heimdal distribution included in FreeBSD.
The Key Distribution Center (KDC) is the
centralized authentication service that Kerberos provides --
it is the computer that issues Kerberos tickets. The KDC is considered “trusted” by all other computers
in the Kerberos realm, and thus has heightened security
Note that while running the Kerberos server requires very
few computing resources, a dedicated machine acting only as a KDC is recommended for security reasons.
To begin setting up a KDC, ensure that your /etc/rc.conf file contains the correct settings to act as a
KDC (you may need to adjust paths to reflect your own
Next we will set up your Kerberos config file, /etc/krb5.conf:
default_realm = EXAMPLE.ORG
kdc =
admin_server =
[domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.ORG
Note that this /etc/krb5.conf file implies that your
KDC will have the fully-qualified hostname of You will need to add a CNAME (alias) entry to
your zone file to accomplish this if your KDC has a
different hostname.
Note: For large networks with a properly configured BIND DNS server, the above
example could be trimmed to:
default_realm = EXAMPLE.ORG
With the following lines being appended to the
_kerberos._udp IN SRV 01 00 88
_kerberos._tcp IN SRV 01 00 88
_kpasswd._udp IN SRV 01 00 464
_kerberos-adm._tcp IN SRV 01 00 749
Note: For clients to be able to find the Kerberos
services, you must have either a
fully configured /etc/krb5.conf or a minimally configured /etc/krb5.conf and a properly configured DNS server.
Next we will create the Kerberos database. This database
contains the keys of all principals encrypted with a master password. You are not
required to remember this password, it will be stored in a file (/var/heimdal/m-key). To create the master key, run kstash and enter a password.
Once the master key has been created, you can initialize the database using the kadmin program with the -l option (standing
for “local”). This option instructs kadmin to modify
the database files directly rather than going through the kadmind network service. This handles the chicken-and-egg problem of
trying to connect to the database before it is created. Once you have the kadmin prompt, use the init command to
create your realms initial database.
Lastly, while still in kadmin, create your first principal
using the add command. Stick to the defaults options for the
principal for now, you can always change them later with the modify command. Note that you can use the ?
command at any prompt to see the available options.
A sample database creation session is shown below:
# kstash
Master key: xxxxxxxx
Verifying password - Master key: xxxxxxxx
# kadmin -l
kadmin> init EXAMPLE.ORG
Realm max ticket life [unlimited]:
kadmin> add tillman
Max ticket life [unlimited]:
Max renewable life [unlimited]:
Attributes []:
Password: xxxxxxxx
Verifying password - Password: xxxxxxxx
Now it is time to start up the KDC services. Run
/etc/rc.d/kerberos start and /etc/rc.d/kadmind start to bring up the services. Note that you will
not have any kerberized daemons running at this point but you should be able to confirm
the that the KDC is functioning by obtaining and
listing a ticket for the principal (user) that you just created from the command-line of
the KDC itself:
% kinit tillman
tillman@EXAMPLE.ORG's Password:
% klist
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_500
Principal: tillman@EXAMPLE.ORG
Issued Expires Principal
Aug 27 15:37:58 Aug 28 01:37:58 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.ORG@EXAMPLE.ORG
The ticket can then be revoked when you have finished:
% k5destroy
First, we need a copy of the Kerberos configuration file,
/etc/krb5.conf. To do so, simply copy it over to the client
computer from the KDC in a secure fashion (using
network utilities, such as scp(1), or physically
via a floppy disk).
Next you need a /etc/krb5.keytab file. This is the major
difference between a server providing Kerberos enabled daemons
and a workstation -- the server must have a keytab file. This
file contains the server's host key, which allows it and the KDC to verify each others identity. It must be transmitted to
the server in a secure fashion, as the security of the server can be broken if the key is
made public. This explicitly means that transferring it via a clear text channel, such as
FTP, is a very bad idea.
Typically, you transfer to the keytab to the server using
the kadmin program. This is handy because you also need to
create the host principal (the KDC end of the krb5.keytab) using kadmin.
Note that you must have already obtained a ticket and that this ticket must be allowed
to use the kadmin interface in the kadmind.acl. See the section titled “Remote
administration” in the Heimdal info pages (info heimdal)
for details on designing access control lists. If you do not want to enable remote kadmin access, you can simply securely connect to the KDC (via local console, ssh(1) or Kerberos telnet(1)) and perform
administration locally using kadmin -l.
After installing the /etc/krb5.conf file, you can use kadmin from the Kerberos server. The add --random-key command will let you add the server's host
principal, and the ext command will allow you to extract the
server's host principal to its own keytab. For example:
# kadmin
kadmin> add --random-key host/
Max ticket life [unlimited]:
Max renewable life [unlimited]:
Attributes []:
kadmin> ext host/
kadmin> exit
Note that the ext command (short for “extract”)
stores the extracted key in /etc/krb5.keytab by default.
If you do not have kadmind running on the KDC (possibly for security reasons) and thus do not have access
to kadmin remotely, you can add the host principal (host/myserver.EXAMPLE.ORG) directly on the KDC and then extract it to a temporary file (to avoid
over-writing the /etc/krb5.keytab on the KDC) using something like this:
# kadmin
kadmin> ext --keytab=/tmp/example.keytab host/
kadmin> exit
You can then securely copy the keytab to the server computer (using scp or a floppy, for example). Be sure to specify a non-default
keytab name to avoid over-writing the keytab on the KDC.
At this point your server can communicate with the KDC (due to its krb5.conf file) and
it can prove its own identity (due to the krb5.keytab file). It
is now ready for you to enable some Kerberos services. For
this example we will enable the telnet service by putting a line
like this into your /etc/inetd.conf and then restarting the inetd(8) service with
/etc/rc.d/inetd restart:
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/telnetd telnetd -a user
The critical bit is that the -a (for authentication) type is
set to user. Consult the telnetd(8) manual page
for more details.
Setting up a client computer is almost trivially easy. As far as Kerberos configuration goes, you only need the Kerberos configuration file, located at /etc/krb5.conf. Simply securely copy it over to the client computer
from the KDC.
Test your client computer by attempting to use kinit, klist, and kdestroy from the client to
obtain, show, and then delete a ticket for the principal you created above. You should
also be able to use Kerberos applications to connect to Kerberos enabled servers, though if that does not work and
obtaining a ticket does the problem is likely with the server and not with the client or
the KDC.
When testing an application like telnet, try using a packet
sniffer (such as tcpdump(1)) to confirm
that your password is not sent in the clear. Try using telnet
with the -x option, which encrypts the entire data stream
(similar to ssh).
Various non-core Kerberos client applications are also
installed by default. This is where the “minimal” nature of the base Heimdal
installation is felt: telnet is the only Kerberos enabled service.
The Heimdal port adds some of the missing client applications: Kerberos enabled versions of ftp, rsh, rcp, rlogin,
and a few other less common programs. The MIT port
also contains a full suite of Kerberos client
Users within a realm typically have their Kerberos
principal (such as tillman@EXAMPLE.ORG) mapped to a local user
account (such as a local account named tillman). Client
applications such as telnet usually do not require a user name
or a principal.
Occasionally, however, you want to grant access to a local user account to someone who
does not have a matching Kerberos principal. For example, tillman@EXAMPLE.ORG may need access to the local user account webdevelopers. Other principals may also need access to that local
The .k5login and .k5users files,
placed in a users home directory, can be used similar to a powerful combination of .hosts and .rhosts, solving this problem.
For example, if a .k5login with the following contents:
Were to be placed into the home directory of the local user webdevelopers then both principals listed would have access to that
account without requiring a shared password.
Reading the manual pages for these commands is recommended. Note that the ksu manual page covers .k5users.
When using either the Heimdal or MIT Kerberos ports ensure that your PATH
environment variable lists the Kerberos versions of the client
applications before the system versions.
Do all the computers in your realm have synchronized time settings? If not,
authentication may fail. Section 27.10 describes how to
synchronize clocks using NTP.
MIT and Heimdal inter-operate nicely. Except for
kadmin, the protocol for which is not standardized.
If you change your hostname, you also need to change your host/ principal and update your keytab. This also applies to
special keytab entries like the www/ principal used for
Apache's www/mod_auth_kerb.
All hosts in your realm must be resolvable (both forwards and reverse) in DNS (or /etc/hosts as a minimum).
CNAMEs will work, but the A and PTR records must be correct and in place. The error
message is not very intuitive: “Kerberos5 refuses
authentication because Read req failed: Key table entry not found”.
Some operating systems that may being acting as clients to your KDC do not set the permissions for ksu
to be setuid root. This means that ksu
does not work, which is a good security idea but annoying. This is not a KDC error.
With MIT Kerberos, if
you want to allow a principal to have a ticket life longer than the default ten hours,
you must use modify_principal in kadmin
to change the maxlife of both the principal in question and the krbtgt principal. Then the principal can use the -l option with kinit to request a ticket
with a longer lifetime.
Note: If you run a packet sniffer on your KDC to add in troubleshooting and then run kinit from a workstation, you will notice that your TGT is sent immediately upon running kinit -- even before you type your password! The explanation is that
the Kerberos server freely transmits a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) to any unauthorized request;
however, every TGT is encrypted in a key derived from
the user's password. Therefore, when a user types their password it is not being sent to
the KDC, it is being used to decrypt the TGT that kinit already obtained. If
the decryption process results in a valid ticket with a valid time stamp, the user has
valid Kerberos credentials. These credentials include a
session key for establishing secure communications with the Kerberos server in the future, as well as the actual
ticket-granting ticket, which is actually encrypted with the Kerberos server's own key. This second layer of encryption is
unknown to the user, but it is what allows the Kerberos server
to verify the authenticity of each TGT.
If you want to use long ticket lifetimes (a week, for example) and you are using OpenSSH to connect to the machine where your ticket is stored,
make sure that Kerberos TicketCleanup
is set to no in your sshd_config or else your tickets will be deleted when you log
Remember that host principals can have a longer ticket lifetime as well. If your user
principal has a lifetime of a week but the host you are connecting to has a lifetime of
nine hours, you will have an expired host principal in your cache and the ticket cache
will not work as expected.
When setting up a krb5.dict file to prevent specific bad
passwords from being used (the manual page for kadmind covers
this briefly), remember that it only applies to principals that have a password policy
assigned to them. The krb5.dict files format is simple: one
string per line. Creating a symbolic link to /usr/share/dict/words might be useful.
The major difference between the MIT and Heimdal
installs relates to the kadmin program which has a different
(but equivalent) set of commands and uses a different protocol. This has a large
implications if your KDC is MIT as you will not be able to use the Heimdal kadmin program to administer your KDC remotely (or vice versa, for that matter).
The client applications may also take slightly different command line options to
accomplish the same tasks. Following the instructions on the MIT Kerberos web site ( is recommended. Be careful of path
issues: the MIT port installs into /usr/local/ by default, and the “normal” system
applications may be run instead of MIT if your PATH environment variable lists the system directories first.
Note: With the MIT security/krb5 port that is provided by FreeBSD, be sure to read
the /usr/local/share/doc/krb5/README.FreeBSD file installed by
the port if you want to understand why logins via telnetd and
klogind behave somewhat oddly. Most importantly, correcting the
“incorrect permissions on cache file” behavior requires that the login.krb5 binary be used for authentication so that it can properly
change ownership for the forwarded credentials.
The rc.conf must also be modified to contain the following
This is done because the applications for MIT
kerberos installs binaries in the /usr/local hierarchy.
Every service enabled on the network must be modified to work with Kerberos (or be otherwise secured against network attacks) or
else the users credentials could be stolen and re-used. An example of this would be Kerberos enabling all remote shells (via rsh and telnet, for example) but not
converting the POP3 mail server which sends passwords
in plain text.
In a multi-user environment, Kerberos is less secure. This
is because it stores the tickets in the /tmp directory, which
is readable by all users. If a user is sharing a computer with several other people
simultaneously (i.e. multi-user), it is possible that the user's tickets can be stolen
(copied) by another user.
This can be overcome with the -c filename command-line option
or (preferably) the KRB5CCNAME environment variable, but this is
rarely done. In principal, storing the ticket in the users home directory and using
simple file permissions can mitigate this problem.
By design, the KDC must be as secure as the master
password database is contained on it. The KDC should
have absolutely no other services running on it and should be physically secured. The
danger is high because Kerberos stores all passwords encrypted
with the same key (the “master” key), which in turn is stored as a file on
the KDC.
As a side note, a compromised master key is not quite as bad as one might normally
fear. The master key is only used to encrypt the Kerberos
database and as a seed for the random number generator. As long as access to your
KDC is secure, an attacker cannot do much with the
master key.
Additionally, if the KDC is unavailable (perhaps
due to a denial of service attack or network problems) the network services are unusable
as authentication can not be performed, a recipe for a denial-of-service attack. This can
alleviated with multiple KDCs (a single master and one
or more slaves) and with careful implementation of secondary or fall-back authentication
(PAM is excellent for this).
Kerberos allows users, hosts and services to authenticate
between themselves. It does not have a mechanism to authenticate the KDC to the users, hosts or services. This means that a
trojanned kinit (for example) could record all user names and
passwords. Something like security/tripwire or other file system integrity checking tools
can alleviate this.