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19.5 GEOM Gate Network Devices

GEOM supports the remote use of devices, such as disks, CD-ROMs, files, etc. through the use of the gate utilities. This is similar to NFS.

To begin, an exports file must be created. This file specifies who is permitted to access the exported resources and what level of access they are offered. For example, to export the fourth slice on the first SCSI disk, the following /etc/gg.exports is more than adequate: RW /dev/da0s4d

It will allow all hosts inside the private network access the file system on the da0s4d partition.

To export this device, ensure it is not currently mounted, and start the ggated(8) server daemon:

# ggated

Now to mount the device on the client machine, issue the following commands:

# ggatec create -o rw /dev/da0s4d
# mount /dev/ggate0 /mnt

From here on, the device may be accessed through the /mnt mount point.

Note: It should be pointed out that this will fail if the device is currently mounted on either the server machine or any other machine on the network.

When the device is no longer needed, it may be safely unmounted with the umount(8) command, similar to any other disk device.

  Published under the terms of the FreeBSD Document Project