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51.3. Structure of the Bootstrap BKI File

The open command cannot be used until the tables it uses exist and have entries for the table that is to be opened. (These minimum tables are pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_proc, and pg_type.) To allow those tables themselves to be filled, create with the bootstrap option implicitly opens the created table for data insertion.

Thus, the structure of the postgres.bki file has to be:

  1. create bootstrap one of the critical tables

  2. insert data describing at least the critical tables

  3. close

  4. Repeat for the other critical tables.

  5. create (without bootstrap) a noncritical table

  6. open

  7. insert desired data

  8. close

  9. Repeat for the other noncritical tables.

  10. Define indexes.

  11. build indices

There are doubtless other, undocumented ordering dependencies.

  Published courtesy of The PostgreSQL Global Development Group Design by Interspire