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 Using The Management Server to Create a Backup

Before starting a backup, make sure that the cluster is properly configured for performing one. (See Section, “Configuration for Cluster Backup”.)

Creating a backup using the management server involves the following steps:

  1. Start the management server (ndb_mgm).

  2. Execute the command START BACKUP.

  3. The management server will reply with the message Start of backup ordered. This means that the management server has submitted the request to the cluster, but has not yet received any response.

  4. The management server will reply Backup backup_id started, where backup_id is the unique identifier for this particular backup. (This identifier will also be saved in the cluster log, if it has not been configured otherwise.) This means that the cluster has received and processed the backup request. It does not mean that the backup has finished.

  5. The management server will signal that the backup is finished with the message Backup backup_id completed.

To abort a backup that is already in progress:

  1. Start the management server.

  2. Execute the command ABORT BACKUP backup_id. The number backup_id is the identifier of the backup that was included in the response of the management server when the backup was started (in the message Backup backup_id started).

  3. The management server will acknowledge the abort request with Abort of backup backup_id ordered; note that it has received no actual response to this request yet.

  4. After the backup has been aborted, the management server will report Backup backup_id has been aborted for reason XYZ. This means that the cluster has terminated the backup and that all files related to this backup have been removed from the cluster filesystem.

It is also possible to abort a backup in progress from the system shell using this command:

shell> ndb_mgm -e "ABORT BACKUP backup_id"

Note: If there is no backup with ID backup_id running when it is aborted, the management server makes no explicit response. However, the fact that an invalid abort command was sent is indicated in the cluster log.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire