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21.5. Event Scheduler Limitations and Restrictions

This section lists restrictions and limitations applying to event scheduling in MySQL.

In MySQL 5.1.6, any table referenced in an event's action statement must be fully qualified with the name of the schema in which it occurs (that is, as schema_name.table_name).

An event may not be created, altered, or dropped by a trigger, stored routine, or another event. This is by design. However, an event may create, alter, or drop triggers and stored routines.

The resolution of event schedules is measured in seconds. There is no way to cause events scheduled to occur at the same second to execute in a given order.

Execution of event statements have no affect on the server's statement counts such as Com_select and Com_insert that are displayed by SHOW STATUS.

In MySQL 5.1.6, you may not view another user's events in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS table. In other words, any query made against this table is treated as though it contains the condition DEFINER = CURRENT_USER() in the WHERE clause.

Events cannot be created with a start time that is in the past.

In MySQL 5.1.6, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS shows NULL in the SQL_MODE column. In MySQL 5.1.7, the SQL_MODE displayed is that in effect when the event was created.

In MySQL 5.1.6, the only way to drop or alter an event created by a user who is not the definer of that event is by manipulation of the mysql.event system table by the MySQL root user or by another user with privileges on this table. Beginning with MySQL 5.1.7, DROP USER drops all events for which that user was the definer; also beginning with MySQL 5.1.7 DROP SCHEMA drops all events associated with the dropped schema.

As with stored routines, events are not migrated to the new schema by the RENAME SCHEMA (or RENAME DATABASE) statement. See Section 13.1.9, “RENAME DATABASE Syntax”.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire