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 What is a Data Source Name?

A data source is a place where data comes from. The data source must have a persistent identifier, the Data Source Name. Using the Data Source Name, MySQL can access initialization information. With the initialization information, MySQL knows where to access the database and what settings to use when the access starts.

In effect, the data source is the path to the data. In different contexts this might mean different things, but typically it identifies a running MySQL server (for example via a network address or service name), plus the default database for that server at connection time, plus necessary connection information such as the port. The MySQL drivers (and, on Windows systems, the ODBC Driver Manager) use the data source for connecting. An administrative utility called the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator may be useful for this purpose.

There are two places where the initialization information might be: in the Windows registry (on a Windows system), or in a DSN file (on any system).

If the information is in the Windows registry, it is called a Machine data source. It might be a User data source, in which case only one user can see it. Or it might be a System data source in which case it is accessible to all users on the computer, or indeed to all users connected to the computer, if the users are connected by Microsoft Windows NT services. When you run the ODBC Data Administration program, you have a choice whether to use "User" or "System" -- there are separate tabs.

If the information is in a DSN file, it is called a "File data source". This is a text file. Its advantages are: (a) it is an option for any kind of computer, not just a computer with a Windows operating system; (b) its contents can be transmitted or copied relatively easily.

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